A Eurkea Smackdown: Alert the media, gather the children and then circle the wagons...they're coming...The Jericho Riders Vs. Diversity Pride paticipants in Eureka Springs, Aug 3-4. Apparently the God fearing folks of Eureka Cares have summoned their version of a "surge" to help keep this Ozark hamlet a bastion of righteousness instead of an assumed "gay mecca," in leiu of the recent approval of the Domestic Partnership Registry. The battle lines have been drawn and all eyes are on this alledgedly, "Best little Homo Hoedown in Arkansas."
The antics range from a "prayer walk" to the imfamous PDA (public display of affection) Kiss- Off planned for Basin Park. Quick! Some one call an Exorcist...my head is spinning! If you want more about this, hit up http://www.gaynewsbureau.com/ for the details and so much more that I can't spew here! Or go to: http://www.eurekapride.com/ for scheduled events.
Smokin Grill: As we now enter Dog Days of Summer, surely everyone has h

Website Tinkering: In case you haven't had a chance, and I know you haven't. The Arkansas AIDS Foundation has done some tinkering and updates to their website.(http://www.araidfoundation.org/ ) The webmaster has added additional page buttons that reveal an HIV Quiz, Links and "Ta-Dah!" the names of the Board of Directors. In the past, I've made respectful ovetures for information, updates, interviews and more. However, my past request have been met with responses from lukewarm to nothing. I didn't file an FOI ( freedom of Information) request, because I would assume that organizations such as this would embrace developing a postive image instead vs. negative opinions that have surfaced over the years. In fairness, I must disclose that I was a former board member and didn't seek any favorite status, but rather a means for the organization to express itself with a bona fide and direct source to possible stakeholders. After all, they didn't have any problem doing the Broadway Joe Morning Talk Show or Evangeline Parker's Comcast spot, to promote this year's AIDS Walk at the Clinton Complex. I'm still intrigued if the goal of $50,000 was reached or any reporting of the total tally for that event and others. To illustrate this fact, the website redo doesn't cite any fundraising information, except that you can donate toward client services such as rental assistance, dental or other emergency. In closing, here's a few observations for consideration:
1. How about a fundraising report, graph or projection?
2. Perhaps a brief recurring Message from the Board President or Service Director?
3. Remember: Pictures say a thousand words? Video is the way of the future.
4. Get in touch with http://www.corneliusonpoint.blogspot.com/ to give us your spin on the story before others!
Just so you know, we are Arkansas GLBTQI Online destination for news, commentary, information, podcasting and video! We're ready... when ever you are.
Ode to Tammy Faye Messener

This past weekend as I sat in my hotel room while on a trip in New Mexico, I was drawn into a tribute on the Trinity Broadcasting Network featuring video clips and words from religious star child, Tammy Faye (Baker) Messener who died a couple weeks ago. As I watched, I couldn't help but think about the entire religious right, Falwell, Contracts with America, Pat Roberson, and of course Jim and Tammy Baker who became the centerpiece of a " God centered empire," ready to take your money to save your soul at there ultra- church theme park, Heritage U.S.A. Listening to the words of Tammy Faye via the tribute were haunting at best, as she proceeded to pronounce the word of God and tell viewers about his glory. It all seemed so surreal to be watching this vibrant lady from the 80's pour out her heart and tears despite all those unsavory characters and dealings that surrounded her as well as the ministry she so loved. Yet, Tammy Faye through it all continued to rise from the very ashes that she wished to be finally be consumed by in her final wishes. Her courage under fire, icon status and determination to be herself, trademark lashes and all, are a testament that knowing thy self is supreme in life's fleeting moments. I never got the chance to meet her but as the tribute closed, somehow I felt as If I had. I'm sure that we've not heard the last of the "eyes of Tammy faye." RIP.
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