Monday, May 12, 2008

Anit nobody stoppin Us Monday

It lives...Yes, CorneliusOnpoint continues to stand the gap of bringing you the latest news, updates, commentary, podcasting, video and just plain old stuff for the GLBTQ community and beyond. Each and every day that I sit in the big chair while producing this forum, I get a sense of pride that perhaps my words will motivate, inform or empower an individual into action. However, I'd like to think that this exercise is a two way street. I don't like the sound of crickets when I'm seeking your opinions or observations on issues that may impact us directly. I know you're out there and I'm encouraging you to speak up and participate!

Early Voting: I wanted to remind you that early voting is now taking place at a variety of polling places around town. In a previous post, I listed the sites and how you can get your vote on early. Registered voters in Pulaski County can vote at ANY Early Voting location, regardless of your election day voting precinct assignment. There are nine Early Vote locations that are available during the Early Vote period. If you don't get their early, then be prepared to get to the polls on May 20. Remember, every vote counts and that means you! Do it Today!!

Living the Stimulus Life: In case you've already got that stimulus pay out or most likely spent it, here's another article from our online partner,, that I've been including rather regularly. I find their prespective interesting and thoughtful as well as useful. I also believe that in these challenging economic times, we all need a little encouragement that the world isn't really going to hell in a handbasket. As usual, let us know what you're thinking by using the comment icon. We're always waiting with the light on...

Breaking Free from Debt Excuses by Dawn

It’s time to break free. Time to free yourself from the excuses you think up for reasons you buy yourself into debt. Time to free yourself from justifing reasons you think up to NOT save money. Stop it; just stop doing it.
You say you want to get yourself out of debt and stop yourself from using credit cards. You say you want to save money for an emergency fund, but you can’t find the money to do it. You say you want to start or give more money to your retirement fund. Stop saying it and Do it.
Don’t just freeze the credit cards, cut them up. Don’t close your account that will mess up your credit score, instead cut them up. If all else fails get a new one, IF you HAVE to. If you are in debt it is because you can’t handle money. So get used to a checkbook or cash and only handle the money you have on hand.
Don’t make excuses about not starting an emergency fund, start doing it today. Open an ING account with a couple of dollars and start putting 10-20 dollars in every month. If that means bypassing a night out with friends at the bar or cutting your cable tv channels down, so be it.
If you want to start of give more to a retirement account, get going on it. It will hurt a lot less now than when you retire and realize you COULD HAVE HAD 100,000 dollars more if you had only given up an extra 1-2% annually today.
If you mean business with your personal finances and getting out of debt, then start doing it and stop excusing yourself. You are a creative person, I know you can find ways to make this happen, even if it means sacrificing the things you enjoy for a while. It’s time to make this your priority. This is War!

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