Friday, September 26, 2008

TGIF: Changing Channels

Have you had enough of the money mess coverage? Are you just as confused as you were when you first heard about it? O.K. Welcome to our Friday Diversion post, where I've highlighted items of a lighter nature and a bit of kitsch. Let's not wait any longer, because that other news is just around the corner. Here we go....

Noah's Arc Jumpin: I posted a brief blurb last week about the upcoming Noah's Arc: Jumpin the Broom, movie scheduled for an October 24, 2008 release. In response to a reader who wanted to know if the film would be shown locally, I think the jury is still out, especially since I asked those who are interested in the this product to make their voices known. So far, I've gotten "crickets." That means, no responses, no comments, no questions, no nothing. I stated then and again now, that this is why films of this nature don't view in this city. The distributors, LOGO Feature Films, don't send out their productions on a whim, but rather demographics that are revenue driven. Simply put, if there's no cash for the coffers, then they show the film where there's some bonafide dollars for the bottom line. With that said, the closest site that I've discovered is of course, the ATL. The film is booked for the Atlanta Midtown Art Cinema as well as sites in NYC and LA respectively. I'm sure that once the theatrical legs run out, there will be DVD's or downloads of some sort widely available. One more time people, if you want product, you've got to ask for it in force with letters, e-mails, postcards or comments. This forum is trying to spear head a demand to Noah's Arc movie. It's either about putting up or shutting up. Think about it...

Pageantry in the STL: Just in case you missed it, The Miss Gay America 2009 pageant is on the road this year after rolling on the river in Memphis. The promoters L & T Entertainment, have selected St. Louis, MO for this year's competition, October 8-12, 2008 at the Millennium Hotel. This year's extravaganza is themed, "A Vision behind the mask, A Masquerade Gala." Arkansas' delegation includes MGA Stephanie Richards & Zia D' Yor, 1st alternate competing with 65 other national competitors. Ticket packages are on sell now via the pageant website along with everything else "pageant." I'm sure that it's going to be a sell-out. So plan, execute and if you can spend an extra day in the city to take in some of sites like I did in July. There's lot to see and do, and lot's of it is, "FREE."

All American CHO: OH NO it's the Cho Show!, as in comedian Margaret Cho who seems to keep resuscitating or resurrecting her career in shock and awe fashion. Her recent incarnation, "The Cho Show," left me wondering, "did someone actually green light this with the thoughts that perhaps it would make good TV? O.K. I fell for it and watch a couple of episodes to see what the "notorious C.H.O." was up too. I have to admit it, I love a little baughty humor, even it sometimes becomes at bit too much. And the Cho Show goes to the limit and then some. Even though the premise of the first episode that I watched was about Ms. C dealing with turning 40, I've never felt that having "anal bleaching" as means of dealing with the aging factor. Now, I realize that those Hollywood people get hipped to the latest techniques but exactly what was to be funny about this procedure. So far everyone I've asked about this, thinks that I suffered some anesthesia damage. Of course her "glam squad" a mixed group of friends tossed this matter back and forth with their add on candor is again supposedly to the height of comedic relief. Actually the best part of this comedy mash up is watching the reaction shots of her parents(Ma & Pa Cho) who are probably thinking," who are you and what have you done with our daughter?" The next episode that I dared to watch dealt with, get this, Margaret's "haunted Vagina." Now really. Yes, people it's come to this, when the creative set believe that this stuff is suppose to be must see TV. I don't know but maybe I'm loosing my hippness and cool. I watched, The CHO Show thinking I'd like to spend my viewing hours watching something a bit more enlightening and entertaining.Afterall I did watch a entire marathon of Gunsmoke reruns in one setting. If you dare, it's reality in living color on VH1. Check you local listings for times and episodes. If I'm wrong about this, feel free to let me know.

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