Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Taking it to the Streets

We are about two weeks out from the nation's vote-a rama for the next President of the United States. At this point, we are seeing the most vile, personal assaults, regurgitated rhetoric and the underbelly of the bloodsport of American politics. It's akin to those Roman gladiator games where everything it unleashed into the area in search of a kill. Yet, we persevere as this race for the White House ends on November 5. I hope you are ready, because it's time to "take it to the streets," my peeps. Early voting has started and I hope that you will get busy to the polls. In the meantime, before and after I vote, I'll be here in the Big Chair bringing you our special brand of breaking news, updates, links, mash up and kitchen sink if necessary. I'm asking are you ready?...then let's go get em!

COP Phones for O: Last week I stated that I would be participating in Phone for Obama campaign at the local HQ. I did so and what a interesting task this was, as I canvassed undecided voters or possible voters in the big battleground of Missouri. For the most part, it was a great exercise in doing my civic duty for the candidate of my choice. To my surprise I only got a few rude folks, but most were receptive to my prepared message and actually,"thanked" me for calling. Sitting adjacent to myself was local entertainer, Drew Pritt whom was in another round of making calls for the campaign. I was glad to know that perhaps we have some community members who are coming out to participate in the process. If you have time donate it to the campaign of your choice, also Team O has many volunteer opportunities on their website.

A SONG in the CAR: A 4-day advanced training for people committed to social justice work that is cross-issue, anti-oppression, and meets at the crossroads of race, class, culture, gender and sexuality, towards building the local capacity, unity and interconnection of people in the greater Little Rock, Arkansas area. Thursday November 13- Sunday November 16, 2008 With additional opportunities to choose other small workshops that fit your specific needs taking place between Tuesday, November 11 & Wednesday 12, 2008 If you are interested?? Want to know more information?? Want to apply?? In the Little Rock, Arkansas area, contact:CAR: Phone: 501.244.9690 / Email: obrian_30@yahoo.com / http://www.artisticrevolution.org// To contact SONG:Phone: 919.286.3230 // Email: kindred@southernersonnewground.orgCheck out our website: http://www.southernersonnewground.org/
Application Deadline: Saturday, October 25th, 2008
Wine & Stonewall: Support equality and fairness for ALL Arkansas' families. The Stonewall Democratic Caucus of Arkansas is dedicated to promoting inclusion and fairness for every citizen regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Please join us for our annual wine tasting fundraiser on Thursday, October 30th. Admissionis $25 at the door and everyone is welcome. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Arkansas Families First to help defeat Proposed Initiated Act 1. Please forward this information to your family and friends and invite them to attend. Together we can make adifference in our community.--For more information about the Stonewall Democratic Caucus of Arkansas, please visit our website at www.stonewallarkansas.com The Fall Wine taste will be held from 6pm - 8pm 2200 South Broadway in Little Rock, Robbie Thomas-Knight, PhD will be the Honored Guest. Ms. Thomas-Knight is a strong supporter of equal rights for all Arkansans. She has been active working against Act 1 of 2008, an initiated act that proposes to ban `cohabitating adults' from fostering or adopting children by state law. See http://arkansasfamiliesfirst.org for more information about Act 1.For more information and directions, please visit www.stonewallarkansas.comStonewall Democratic Caucus P.O. Box 250253Little Rock, AR 72225 stonewallarkansasinfo@gmail.com

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