Hello...Hello...Is this thing on? I hope so because I'm not quite through with offering you the our distinct brand of news, commentary, updates, links and so much more. In all honesty I do hear from a few of you, especially those "anonymous" shadow people who whisper their thoughts and then sorta vanish back into cyberspace. However, this space is very welcoming of those who don't mind sharing their "tudes" or slams about what I produce in this forum. So, with all that said, let's go get em, Excuse me is this thing on!?...
New HIV/AIDS Funding Data
As we rapidly approach World AIDS Day 2008, I am reaffirming my mission to offering the latest stats involving this health crisis. It's important to know that as
Updated data include HIV/AIDS funding by state from the Ryan White Program, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program, and the Office of Minority Health (OMH).
View a list of all recent updates.
Rallying AIDS: A unique local coalition of supporters named, The Arkansas AIDS/HIV Prevention Coalition are preparing a World AIDS Day event taking place 11.22.08 with a youth rally, 11.30. 08 Compassion Sunday and WAD, 12.1.08 with a vigil. The members of this group include Jubliee Chirstian Center, JCCSI, AAF, ST. Mark Baptist Church, AMHC, Arkansas Department of Health, Center for Healing Hearts and others. The newly minted Arkansas HIV/ AIDS Task force is also apart of this entity of which I've got a few questions. First of all, I'm not sure who speaks for them, exactly how this co-op developed or the dimensions of their agenda. I wonder how many of these coalition member actively supported ACT 1. I've become a bit cynical about these mash up groups that start popping out of the box around World AIDS Day, HIV Testing Day, Black AIDS this or that Day and then move on til next year. We will keep an eye out for updates and keep asking the questions that some folks will not. Stay tuned for what we may or may not find out....
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