Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tis the Season...2008

All this week I've been hearing from individuals that they just don't seem to have the X-mas spirit. Somehow, the nightly news feed of "the world's going to hell in a hand basket, if project whatever doesnt' get a bailout," has begun to take it toll. In case you are seeing "red" and not in a Christmas way, you are probably not alone. Especially here in this fourm, which is always red hot with the latest updates, links, commentaries, video and content for the SGL community and beyond.

Simply RED: The hastily produced Simply Red fundraiser held 12.5.08 for AAF wasn't SRO but was reported as an evening of chatter and charity hosted by KATV's Renee Shapiro. In the past this event was a ballyhooed kinda event ala "circuit party" attempt, with big plans and big noise. Yet, this year's event hosted at the Discovery Complex, was more modest with an even more modest attendance of less than a 100 people. In true AFF benefit fashion and not to my surprise this group goes "benefit A-Go-Go" each year with several efforts too many on the same weekend. During a 48 hour cycle, AAF rolled out the Simply Red event Friday night(6-8p.m), then at 7 p.m across town, something called the Snow Flake Fall dance. Now really folks, I don't know what this was all about, who was suppose to attend or even why? and ended up the weekend with a Bachelor Auction, (12.6.08) held at Sidetracks. Also in true AAF fashion, thus far there's been no published revenue reporting with all this holiday fundraising. In my opinion, this seems like a lot of work for a possible marginal ROI. Kudos to those who delegate themselves to this activity because it's not easy to do. But let's face it people, try re-evaluating spinning your wheels so hard without really getting anywhere.

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