Monday, March 16, 2009

A New Week in Cyberspace

Gosh Dern it! March is stampeding through like a bull in a china cabinet! I'm in the big chair and twirling round and round with all the latest news, updates, links, commentary, video and just plain old stuff. It's fast and furious during this wacky economic times, so let's dive in head first!....

Darth Cheney Speaks: "Stuff Happens...?" was the words of uber fear monger, former VP Dick Cheney during his interview with John King on his CNN show, State of the Union. Arrrgggh! As I sat through this re-hash revisionist BS from this neocon talking head all I could think was thank goodness we are so done with your troupe. Haven't we heard enough of those bombastic terrorist mash up from this guy. Actually what Cheney was referring too during this interview was the economic turds that were left as the Bush administration made an exit last January. In his best estimates very little of what's going on in today's financial circles can be laid at there doorstep. Oh really now? According to Cheney the Bush White House did all it could do for the economy, but "stuff happens..."which calls for the question, yeah "stuff happens" but a better response should have been "I'm with stupid."

AIDS Arkansas: I know you've seen the Comcast event spotlights that feature organizations that need some PR for their fundraiser or community event. AAF's Yolanda West cut a spot in reference to The 2nd Annual Prayer Luncheon to be held on Thursday, March 26, 2009 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Little Rock Club (Regions Bank Building - 30th Floor), which is located at 400 W. Capitol Avenue in Little Rock, AR. Tickets can be obtained on their website, This event is in conjunction with National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Month, based on the theme “The Power of Praying Women: Bridging the Gap with Education of HIV/AIDS in Women and Girls.” Last year this event took place at the Gov's Mansion and seems to be a outcrop of the 1st Annual HIV/ AIDS banquet that took place a few years ago which celebrated Black HIV/AIDS Awareness. I attended that banquet with great anticipation that it would truly be an inclusive annual event, yet as it always seems to go, stealth organizers get it done once, then somehow it doesn't happen again. Even though statistically, the African American community is being impacted across the board there is still more outreach and prevention messages that are simply being unheard or embraced. Apparently the Black POZ community, seems to be cloaked in apathy and single mindedness despite efforts to assist. Every one may not agree, but I applaud Ms. West for her continuing pursuit of delivering current information and programming. Of course, if you don't like what's she's up too, then get busy and put something else together. The floor is always open for discussion or rebuttal. I'll continue to leave the light on...

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