Thursday, June 02, 2011

Footloose in Cyberspace

HOPWA in the House

Earlier this week the U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development, better known as HUD announced new awards for the state of Arkansas. Within that announcement was the designated funding level for the program HOPWA, (Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS) that provides housing assistance and appropriate supportive services for low-income persons HIV positive. As a June 7 City Board agenda item, a resolution will come before the board for approval citing the Arkansas AIDS Foundation as the current HOPWA provider which was selected from a "request for qualifications" process issued by the city on April 25, 2011. According to additional details in the resolution, the Arkansas AIDS Foundation entered into a 4 month agreement with the city in March 2011, to offset any disruption in service during the transition from the Arkansas Department of Health to the City of Little Rock. AFF will administered the program for 12 months utilizing $234,022.00 of the $317,437.00 in 2010 HOPWA funds from HUD. Figures in Arkansas's Consolidated Plan Annual Update listed funding at $531,915.00 but final Congressional appropriations resulted in the lower amount. Even though this is all well said and done, COP 24/7 would like to know who or what other entity was apart of the RFQ process that resulted in this decision. Furthermore according to the CPAU, specific requirements are required of the chosen agency such as demonstrating capacity to provide quality services in compliance with ADH and HUD regulations, ability to coordinate complimentary supportive services and the ability to meet the urgent unmet needs of persons with HIV/AIDS and their families. Can AAF realistically meet these goals or parameters successfully within the scope of its current structure and management? Ultimately what's really at stake is the sustainability, direction and growth of the program. Surely, more than the reported 29 individuals receiving assistance can be helped with this needed lifeline for those dealing with HIV/AIDS. We'll keep you posted so you can start asking some questions too.

CAR announces "The Lucille Marie Hamilton Youth Center" Opening

The Center for Artistic Revolutuion has announced the opening of the Lucille Marie Hamilton Youth Center, Friday, July 1, 2011. 7pm  800 Scott St. (inside First Presbyterian)  
Organizers state that the center is the first LGBTQ and ally youth center in the state of Arkansas.
The Center is named for one of the founding member's of CAR's youth program, DYSC who passed away unexpectedly. Lucie's mom, Karen Thompson will be on hand to cut the ribbon. Please join us and help support the needs of AR LGBTQ youth and young adults. In a strange sense of clarification, COP 24/7 posted an earlier item in reference to the "Lucie's Place" project being spearheaded under the Living Affected Corp umbrella. That project is a seperate program that also refers to the same indvidual for which the youth center is so named. So what's up with that? Well one prjoect which will address the issue of homeless LGBT youth in the city while the other will act as a backdrop for the groups current youth programming. The Lucie's Place project has received a groundswell of interest from both national and local supporters including the law enforcement. A summer $20,000 fundraising effort is underway as well as in-kind pledges and gifts are being sought. If you are interested in volunteering or contributing contact (501) 912-3780 or e-mail : 

To Text or NOT to TEXT

Argggh! I'm over the texting craze before it actually takes us over a cliff. For the life of me I can't understand why some of you and you know who you are, just don't pick up the damn I-Phone and just reach out and touch. For  goodness sake, is it that difficult or have we decided that typing out our feelings will have to do. I have tried to get with it, even as I tap out this mamajama weekly. You would think that it would be a breeze for me, but it's simply not. Also, the words or attempts at words often through me off especially when folks use numbers to mean something, such "4 U" or "2 much." Are you getting the message more clearer in this manner, lazy or being trendy. I love getting the text of "what are U doin?"  Now really, are you serious. Then if those are not enough it's the mysterious texts for housing offers, check cashing, BS job offers and more junk that somehow finds it's way to my phone.  Enough already, I say. If I could ban texting by executive order, I'd do first thing tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brinkka2011 says: I enjoy you because of all of your effort on this site. Its been an motivation for me. I've passed this onto a friend of mine.