Billboards Away across the city
Have you seen them? What you ask? Its a billboard campaign designed to inform the public concerning HIV/AIDS. Are you sure you haven't seen them? Well, from what this forum has discerned, not many have actually seen the billboards and for the most part those who have seen them are not sure what to make of the message from the first glance. Spearheaded by a unique entity mix of Jefferson Comprehensive Care Systems, ARCare, Arkansas Minority Health Commission and Arkansas Department of Career Education the billboards began appearing around mid November and are slated to run through December 18. Now that COP 24/7 has told about you about them, COP 24/7 is prepared to offer a prize to the first person or persons who take on our Scavenger Hunt to locate them, take a photo of you in front or near the billboard and tell us what you think about the campaign. So get started today and we will announce the winner on Monday December 19th. All submissions can be submitted to our e-box but only the first submission with all the locations will be chosen. Just as a clue we are including a picture of one such billboard so you will know what you are looking for! Good Luck and happy hunting!!!
Creator of The Secret and The Power
You can make 2012 the best year of your life! And you can do it very easily, right now.
All you have to do is set the most powerful intention you can ever set in your life, which is that you will focus only on what you want, think only about what you want, and talk only about what you want. Decide right now that anytime you find yourself thinking or talking about what you don't want, you will stop and demand of yourself, "What is it that I want?" And with all your might, with all your strength, with all your willpower - you will focus on what you want!
This one intention, repeated daily until the New Year and reinforced through 2012, will ensure that you make 2012 the year that your dreams came true, and the greatest year of your life!
To help you have an even more magical year, I'm going to let you in on a secret... I have written a very exciting new book. It's called The Magic. It will be released within the early months of 2012!
Happy holidays, and a very, very Happy New Year
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions
The Scrolls of the The Secret Unveiled
A few years back, folks were in a tailspin over a nebulous advertising campaign that was rolling out all over the place. It was being sent over the Internet to unsuspecting users, finding it way into the print media and of course ultimately tongues went wagging just trying to find out "what" and "who" was behind "The Secret." Even Lady Oprah got swept up into the frenzy and spent an entire show showcasing Rhonda Byrne's supposedly new "meaning for life," guru talk. This promotion which predated the conspiracy powerhouse of The Divinci Code, also was filled with mysterious scrolls and documents that may or may not have been passed down through the powerful and those of the intellectual set. What I learned and most of everyone else is that "everything old is new again," as the message from Byrne seemed eerily related to that of the long forgotten "transcendental mediation" trend that was all the rage years ago. Concentrating on your passions and living in your "visions" all seem to come back to many of us who had already got that message some time ago. We just sort of moved on to the next mind trickery via the next guru flavor of the month. Whether it be Tony Robbins, Depak Chopra or Steven Covey, there's been plenty of help available to those seeking to re-invent or take their lives to the next level. Of course Oprah Winfrey is now inf full affect with her Master's Class series and is ready to launch in 2012, Oprah's Next Chapter, which I'm sure will be filled with more inspiring, uplifting and empowering tidbits for the taking. COP 24/7 is not quite in this strata but we've always got a few words that inspire as well. In the meantime, here's some greetings from The Secret. Take what you may from it and know that COP 24/7 believes that there's a real winner in you, you and yes too dear reader.
Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power
You can make 2012 the best year of your life! And you can do it very easily, right now.
All you have to do is set the most powerful intention you can ever set in your life, which is that you will focus only on what you want, think only about what you want, and talk only about what you want. Decide right now that anytime you find yourself thinking or talking about what you don't want, you will stop and demand of yourself, "What is it that I want?" And with all your might, with all your strength, with all your willpower - you will focus on what you want!
This one intention, repeated daily until the New Year and reinforced through 2012, will ensure that you make 2012 the year that your dreams came true, and the greatest year of your life!
To help you have an even more magical year, I'm going to let you in on a secret... I have written a very exciting new book. It's called The Magic. It will be released within the early months of 2012!
Happy holidays, and a very, very Happy New Year
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions
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