Thursday, April 18, 2013

Frankly Speaking Part Two

COP 24/7 Special
Its All About the Benjamin's and Then some

On yesterday I posted an item which spoke to fundraising as activism in our communities in support of local community based organizations. Sourced from POZ magazine, the article raised several issues that I've waxed on about in not only previous post but offered many scenarios as to how funding streams are vital to establishing the needed infrastructure that would support our interest.

The article cited the critical situation of competitive foundation dollars that are now in short supply despite an ever growing need to address issues from health disparities to dealing with "kitchen table" issues such as housing, employment and food justice.

On a local front, even though there's been a sincere attempt at fundraising based on good intentions, the efforts will eventually cause a fatigue among donors whom feel that they given all that they possibly can. Although all fundraising is certainly appreciated there has to be a more concentrated approach that will include a variety of "streams" of funding to capture.

In other words local organizations and those whom wish to help have to use their "out of the box" thinking capacity to add to the donation mix. Here are some quick mash up ideas for your consideration:

1. Donate frequent flier miles for possible travel.

2. Offer gift cards either for cash or products that you may not have used.

3. Make a monthly commitment to your favorite organization. If you don't see it, you want miss it!

4. Check to see if your company participates in matching gift giving to local organizations.

5. Use your birthday to raise funds for a organization.

6.  Ask if the organization has a wish list registry and fulfill a request.

7. Make a community based group a pet project of your fraternity or sorority.

8. If you own office space, vehicles or items that could be of use, find a way to donate them.

9. Don't forget year end giving that offers tax advantages.

10. Consider leaving a legacy gift to an agency that will serve as your eternal support.

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