Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Take Two Tuesday

Uganda's 'Kill the Gays' Bill Is Back

As Anti-Homosexuality Act is set to be reintroduced, local activists have built a broad coalition that links the bill with other social issues.
He's Back! Yes that David Bahati, who was the primary sponsor of Uganda’s notorious Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA). Mr. Bahati announced his reintroduction of his notorious bill in parliament, after a court found it invalid for procedural reasons last August. This forum has previously reported on this politician as well as his then close ties to American evangelist who demonstrated both moral and financial support for his campaign.

But according to news accounts and human rights watchers this time will be different. President Yoweri Museveni is under heavy pressure not to once again invite international condemnation by supporting it. More importantly, the Ugandan coalition opposing it is broad-based and deep. As the dastardly measure makes it way through their system, we will update our coverage.

OH! HRC!!!!

Did you think that it wouldn't begin? Say what to begin..? The howls and screeds about the latest scandal of the one and only Hillary R. Clinton! She done gone and done it again, and upset folk with
her decision to delete what she decided was personal e-mails. E-mails you say? Yes e-mails from that one device that we've now learned was used to send, text or message what we are still trying to figure out if they were official or something else perhaps coded or of nefarious notions. I have no doubt that there will be plenty of unpacking of what she said or didn't say and if she really meant what she actually said or did not say. Get that...?

Also central to the issue is the fact the she did not have the official ".gov," moniker for archival or retrieval for any of the many investigations to come as she prepares to the presidential thunder dome come 2016.

Clinton had been silently putting together her case for a hotly awaited press conference in which she laid out her case and do some explaining about policies, laws, secured private servers ( if only we all could have one of those!) and did she or didn't she give up all the info in those 55,000 pages of correspondence she turned over to the State Department for review.

Consequently that data dump made up about half, or 30,000, of the overall 60,000 emails she sent and received with the private server. The statement later disclosed that about 90% of those had already been archived in the State Department's records, as they had been sent to ".gov" accounts, which are automatically archived. And so it goes, as the talking heads, Hillary Haters, and those whom live in conspiracy closets are ready for Hillary!!! Stay tuned, its just getting started.
Stats Speak: COP 24/7 Readership Surges
Its been a total surprise or maybe just a coincidence that according to our Google analysis tracking thingy, in the last two week this forum has had a surged of interest and readership. This platform in conjunction with our Facebook connection has garnered number that we've never seen before in the history of the platform.
Now let's see what's happened that could have brought this traffic. There are three possible elements that  may have spurred all this action. First up, the recent linked coverage to The Guardian news story written by Steven Thrasher about political crazy going on in our state did seem to start this bump. It is linking to such notable pieces such as this, obviously has the power of the reach that we have been seeking. Two, those videos that I kept getting an ear full about seems to also have churned interest in our site although this too will have to provide more proof as if they are indeed a driver.
And then there's the cross pollination of using that behemoth Facebook to create a "back and forth," from that social media platform to this one. So I hope that all of these will be a recipe to help leverage more readers, define some sponsors and maybe get us more noticed as the information "go to" place that we've been proclaiming for years!! Just to put some number to all this here's a snapshot of the FB items:
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