Thursday, March 12, 2015

Taking the Zip Line 24/7

Let's face it folks, its not been a good week for Arkansas. Our fair state has been on blast not only stateside, but globally! Unfortunately it just doesn't seem to stop whether its the crazy taking place under the Capitol dome here at home or the even more crazy on Capitol Hill in D.C.  Nonetheless, just in case you haven't heard the latest or any of it for that matter here's a zip through a few items. Hold your nose as we dive in...

The Harris Affair

House Minority Leader Rep. Eddie Armstrong of North Little Rock held a press conference yesterday to discuss the situation involving Rep. Justin Harris, a Republican from West Fork. Armstrong stopped short of calling for a resignation, but called Harris a distraction. This press conference is the latest in the "WTF" mash up of both the Mr.& Mrs. Harris's "re-homing" dilemma that has had folks up in arms since learning of these doings.

This whole matter is playing like a "real bad reality show," including prayer circles, exorcism, ex-baby sitters, stymied state agency, politics, religion and most glaring and egregious horror of rape. At this point Governor Hutchinson has " warned the public about judging Harris too quickly." However, Harris didn't actually convince the public with his off kilter press conference held last week and this individual might need to reassess just how distracting he really is.

Vagina Watch

As usual and expected the Arkansas Senate has voted to cut off public funding to abortion providers
and entities that perform abortion referrals, a move aimed at blocking grants Planned Parenthood has received for sex education programs. Not to mention that the organization provides a variety of health care options for low income women and in  case you didn't know men can obtain checkups for sexual health issues ranging from HIV testing to testicular cancer screenings. This agency does much more than provide abortion services which I doubt the general public doesn't realize.

The measure approved by the Senate on a 26-5 vote Monday doesn't specifically name Planned Parenthood and is identical to a proposal that stalled in the Legislature two years ago. The bill now heads to the House. It's undeniable that these legislators know exactly what there up to no matter how they go about it.

The proposal does not apply to Medicaid funding, and would also bar any public funding going toward "affiliates" of abortion providers or entities that perform referrals.

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