DNC 08 Delegate Worshop Being Held
The Arkansas Stonewall Democrats forwarded an announcement from the Democratic Party of Arkansas concerning a Delegates Workshop being held, Saturday 9.8.07 at the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the State Captiol. I'm always prodding folks about participating and stating how important it is to participate in the process. Well, I'm not telling,... I'm just doing this time around, by registering for the workshop as well as learning the process. If all goes well, I'll be a delegate to the national convention in Denver in 08. I'll keep you posted...
A Royal Flush: Politicians come and go, but Larry Craigs recent resignation due to the "toilet incident," has spawned viewpoints a plenty including me adding my two cents in a previous post. Which sparked the interest of an intrepid reader whom shared his take on the matter while citing me about my shortcoming on the issue. Apparently he felt that I was a party to the mainstream news media's "there's blood in the water" feeding frenzy, pundit pile-on and all others who felt they needed to have there say even as the Senator bowed out gracefully. The level of dissection within the gay community has been a bit much for me but my rebuttle to that's readers charges are rather simple.

Taking Possession: Curators Brad Cushman and Nathan Larson will be spotlighting contemporary figurative and conceptual artworks byblack artists with the gallery presentation of Taking Possession, being presented in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the Central High desegregation crisis. Featured artist include, Faith Ringgold, Robert Colescott, Whitfield Lovell, Trenton DoyleHancock, Kerry James Marshall, Deborah Roberts, Lawrence Lee, FahamuPecou Laylah Ali, Aminah Robinson, Derrick Adams, Nick Cave , KaraWalker, Larry Walker, Lorna Simpson, Annette Lawrence, Kerry JamesMarshall,Carrie Mae Weems, Keba Konte, Deborah Grant, Keith Smith,Jonathan Calm, Hank Willis Thomas and Kambui Olujimi, BradleyMcCallum and Jacqueline Tarry, Howardena Pindell. I would like to highly suggest that you consider attending the Thursday September 6, 20073:30 – 4:45pm – Artist Panel Discussion, at UALR's Stella Boyle Concert Hall with Annette Lawrence, Derrick Adams, Deborah Roberts, Lawrence Lee. Afterwards at 5 – 7pm – Gallery Reception for Taking Possession, UALR Fine ArtsBuilding Then move on at 7pm – to a Screening of Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin, also in the StellaBoyle Concert Hall. The event is being sponsored by the UALR Art Department and Office of Campus Life. Maybe I'll see you there!
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