Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tempest, Tounges, Tabernacles and Me too!!

Thank God it's friday! And our anniversary celebration continues in a free fall with more observations, news, commentary and just plain ole stuff from the GLBTQI community and beyond. It's all about keeping it real, up in here...Let's go get em!!!

Back on the Bus: Dateline: 9.20.07, Jena Louisiana, USA. The town is shutdown, but there's a rally happening in the town center concerning a miscarriage of justice. Just like the rest of the country, I paused to watch a groundswell of Americans "re-checking" the justice system and it's serious impact within the African American community. This entire scenario surrounding the "Jena 6" is wrought with incidents, as well as decisions that makes me wonder about human nature in the racial mix. There are so many questions: School fights, So-call pranks, absurd sentencing, no bail, extended jail time and all-white jurors? Can we continue to afford, "No justice - No peace," in the 21st Century. I think not.

Circling the Waggons: Earlier this week I posted a mention about the family dust up involving the cast of characters who are developing an offensive campaign to the Family Councils, impending Adoption measure. As I understand, some interorganizational decisions such as voting weights, at-large membership and overall approaches have been handed down,"Ceasar style." Compounding the situation is the proclamation that certain "matters were closed to further discussion." I've assessed that CAR members, Randi R and E. Reece have issues with the management style of Rep. Kathy Webb (pictured). Apparently she seems to feel that the Gods have enriched her with knowing not only what's best for the as yet un-named coalition, but also who should be included in the upcoming "Blue Ribbon" panel and what the "face" of the campaign should consist of? Wow, now those are some full scrolls, if I should say so my self. Of course there are those who will say, why would I air internal differences? Well it's called a process of transparency. You and I should want to know how these campaigns are derived, the mindset of those initiating them and the messages presented on behalf of the GLBTQI community and beyond. I'm sure there's more to come...stay tuned.

Theyr'e Back: Jerry Cox, president of The Family Council has submitted a second draft of their proposed ballot measure on family adoptions. This time around they've omitted the words "ideal" and "findings" in relation to families per the objections of AG McDaniel. Cox has stated that once the initiated act has been signed off on by the AG, the sooner they will start collecting the 61,000 plus signatures needed to get it on the 08 ballot. For clarity sake, this proposal would'nt be a constitutional amendment but would be written into state law(1.1.09), if passed. However, an initiated act can be changed by the Legislature, with a two-thirds majority of each chamber.

Tavis & Huck at Morgan: I've got to give Mike Huckabee a nod for his decision to participate in the Republican Debate hosted by Morgan State University and moderated by Tavis Smiley (pictured right). Huckabee was quoted as saying that it's crucial the GOP reach out to blacks. "If Republicans don't win minority votes and votes that we traditionally dont' get, Hillary Clinton's the next president."Also, Huckabee will be the only republican candidate in town for the Central High 50th commemeration. Meanwhile, Smiley will broadcast his radio show live from the Clinton Complex 9.25.07. President Bill Clinton, The "9" and commuity advocates will be among the featured guest. Get them fast because tickets will be required for admittance to the broadcast. More info on Tavis's schedule can be found at or KUAR's website.

Conspiracy -U-say: It was bound to happen. The conspiracy theories are seeping out about the recent closing of The Factory and boy are there are some doosey's being bounced around. I'm sorting through them all and will be sharing my take on these on our entertainment sister site,, Monday, 9.24.07 If you are interested, and I know you will be, navigate your way next week to

Coming Monday on CorneliusOnPoint: My visit to the Clinton Center to witness the Emancipation Proclamation document. Join us through our RSS/Atom feed or just bookmark the site for your quick link to Arkansas online destination for news, comentary, video,podcasting and more!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We still haven't seen your thoughts on myspace in regards to the Conspiracy-U-Say, which was shared on 9-24-07...

Still waiting.....