Monday, September 10, 2007

Doing a Cornelius 360!

Talk maven and uber shot caller, Miss O, that's in Oprah Winfrey sent a mega shout out to all her independently wealthy friends for a "meet and greet" fundraiser for Presidential Candidate, Barrack Obama. For a mere $2300.00 you could hob nob at her Santa Barabra digs with the likes of Will Smith, Halle Berry, other "A"listers and all those who made the cut. Unfortunately, my invitatioin was lost in the mail but, it seems that a good time was had by all and the till runneth over with a reported 3 Million dollars to boot. Of course, the Big O certainly has the right to throw a lavish anything for anyone any old time she feels like it. Especially since fundraising is the favorite past time of most politicos everywhere even though this appears to be her biggest political outing to date. Some have been "hating" the idea that "the most powerful women in entertainment," (their words, not mine) has the audacity to publically show her support for his bid for the presidency. Can you imagine the tounges wagging if she had decided to use her considerable income and run for the office herself? The last time I looked, Ms. Winfrey is still a US citizen who is entitled to exercise her opinion and vote. Apparently Oprah just can't win no matter how many cars she gets sponsors to give away, New Orleans sub divisons she builds, donates to colleges or creates schools in in Africa. Trust me, I'm not a gushing OW devotee, but I do respect her right to be apart of the process, meanwhile taking a stand about who she feels caould fill the Oval Office. Let's face it, Mr. O, that's in Obama isnt doing so bad in the cash dash, with or without any help from the hollywood set or mogul billionare Winfrey.
Delegate Watch: In case you didn't catch my post about the Arkansas Democratic Parties Delegates worshop held last week, here's an update. The workshop was informative and allowed me to further understand the process of being a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Denver in 08. I got the vibe that this process is more like "Survivor," it's all about "out witting, outplaying and outlasting," the other players while making nice with the right tribe. Sounds like a game for me and I'm going to give it my all. Wish me luck and stay locked in to find out how it's going!!

More Royal Flushing: The singing Senator, Lary Craig is now singing more tunes than a Broadway musical. After his highly publicized mea culpa, we now know that the resignation key word was "intent" to resign as revealed in his message left for lawyer Billy Martin. Mr. Craig has also upset party officials but to the delight of late night comics, by stating that he plans to fight his guilty plea which he actually signed and I hope he read, over a month after the Minneapolis Airport incident. In the words of CNN's Lou Dobbs, "What in the world is going on here?" Legal experts have weighed in with doubts about reversing gulity pleas especially from those who had ample time to figure out whether they are or not. Outside the beltway in Idaho folks sorta kinda believe that he's been done wrong and here in Little Rock I havent' been able to determine exactly what they're thinking. Inside the beltway ( that's washington speak for around town) Craig supporters are far and few in Republican circles. As the saga continues so do the observations, such as Ben Stein, CBS Sunday Morning commentator whom called the affair a "gang plank walking/political lynching," of a public citizen. Wow! It looks like the fat lady hasn't sang yet, so stay tuned!!!

Meeting in the Ladies Room: Since we're talking about potty politics, I've been made aware that the female clientele of North Little Rock's, Sidetracks have issues with the male members who use the "women's" lavatory. The sisters have expressed their displeasure at this practice and have taken matters into their own hands by berrating those who do so. "We don't understand why these guys use the women's room, when there are two other stalls available." said one concerned patron. The club facilities include a designated "men's" room and another room designated as "handicapped,"equipped for wheelchair access. Believe it or not, I've actually seen this in action and have often wondered what gives with this disrespect. The ladies have told me that they will approach the management if the situation isn't adequately addressed. Even though the membership is proabably 95 per cent male oriented, women are openly welcomed as members and guest.

Boo Bash II: Congratulations to Joe Lafontaine on being re-elected as President of the Little Rock Pride Committee. According to special events coordinator for Sidetracks, J.D. has alerted us that the club will be a co-partner in BOO Bash II, the annual Halloween fundraiser for LRCP. "I have big plans for this year, with high hopes of raising more money than last time. I'm hoping to include more sponsors and contributors from the community overall." said J.D. He also said he expected to have CorneliusONpoint onboard as a supporter, media outlet and certainly in attendance. O.K., J.D... it's all about the asking and you've got it. I'm sure more information is forthcoming from both LRCP and Sidetracks, feel free to check out their websites for updates:
As you can see, we've been doing a soft roll out with our newly updated format. Believe me, we're not done and you never know what we might be doing next. If you've got suggestions or imput, feel free to share it. We love hearing from you.
FYI: Our next entry into the series, "Prowlin in Little Rock," is now on our MySpace page in the blog section. Click on the link in our new links section. We are you online destination for more news, commentary, updates, links, video and so much more!!!

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