Friday, January 25, 2008

Fast, Furious and Fabu in Cyberbland

It's here again, another freefall friday round up of the items that made the cut for this posting. As you recall, I spoke about the fact that my E-box runneth over and it hasn't ceased. While editing and deleting, I found some interesting items that should be put on front street, ASAP. Therefore, without further delay, here we go...

From the Which way is up file: I got a forward from BC, a front line volunteer and HIV advocate who is in search of updates and info. Every time I read items of this nature,I'm alway befuddled as to why current changes or movements in obtaining assistance seems buried in a hole somewhere. BC had questions concerning updated regulations about dental assistance, upgraded thresholds of income requirements, lab submission and other "nuts and bolts" of staying in the medical loop. The inquriy net was cast wide ranging from State Health Department officials, Capital Hill operatives and anyone who could sift some info. What's going here? Why are individuals always on the hunt for the most up to date info about RW assistance in this area? The frustration level is got to be taxing to say the least. In response to this inquiry, I plan to do a little research my self to see if I can obatin some answers. If you have updated info, portals, websites or anything else let us know.

Heart A- Fire: The annual fundraiser for the Center for Artistic Revolution is right around the corner and here's the latest information if you plan on attending. I hear that the food is great, the fellowship engaging with great shopping to boot. Tell em you hear about it here!...

Saturday February 9, 2008 -
CAR's 4th Annual Toma Mi Corazon (Take My Heart)
Silent Heart Auction and Authentic Tex-Mex Dinner

Quapaw United Methodist
1601 South Louisiana Little Rock, AR
6:00 p.m. Festivities begin with Dinner & Preview Party
7:00 p.m. Unique silent ART auction begins
Art auction admission is free

Tickets are $15.00 for adults and $5.00 for youth 18 and under. To obtain tickets call 501-244-9690 or email

Proceeds from this event support CAR's education, organizing, advocacy and cultural arts work. CAR works for Fairness & Equality for ALL Arkansans

Endorse Me: Believe it or not, there are some of you out there with strong opinions on the current political circus and your not mincing words about your support for certain candidates. Enter, A. Banks, fellow blogger( and self aclaimed "revolutionary intellect"who has thrown down her observations and endorsement of candidate Hillary Clinton. This items is unedited and is the opinion of the writer. Ladies and Gentlemen, A. Banks....


by A. Banks

Ignorance is vulgar and colorless. I am deeply insulted by the arrogant ignorance of those who excused (and continue to attribute) Bill Clinton’s vices to his being the “first Black president”. I am even more deeply offended by rabid Barack Obama fans who now dare to call the allegedly “Black” Bill a white racist.There is nothing exclusively Black about poverty or adultery. There is nothing uniquely racist about Bill’s successful white male presidential legacy. Those who are truly honest about politicians understand that character has no color. No singular race can claim any monopoly over ethics.I will vote for Hillary Clinton because she is the best person to become president. I choose her in defiance of shrewd, racist, and sexist Republikkkans who are PRAYING that Obama will be selected as the Democratic nominee.Republikkkans know that most American voters are white racists. They know that their party has been so fractured and poisoned, by the toxic legacy of President Select King Shrub/George W. Bush, that only strategically controlled racism can fashion mandatory triage in November.I believe that a vote for Obama is a vote for a Republikkkan president in November. I refuse to be a color blind co-conspirator in that nightmarish scenario…My ideal winning ticket would be Clinton-Obama. But, I doubt that wish will come true, because ego and sexism are both far stronger than pride and racism…

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