Tuesday, January 29, 2008

For your Consideration: A Redux

I'm not even going to start with the small talk. No intro to this post, just the nuts and bolts of what this forum has been designed to do. Keep it real and of course, Onpoint. So, let's go get em right of the shoot...

Hill Force One: Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will be touching down in her "Hill Force One," aircraft this Wednesday (1/30) with a massive community wide economic summit in North Little Rock, AR on the west campus of NLR High School at 10:30 a.m. It sound like it's going SRO( standing room only) but you can RSVP by contacting the local campaign HQ. Need a link? Here ya go: info@hillaryclinton.com

Get Your Vote On EARLY: Early voting will run from January 29 through February 4, 2008. You may vote any weekday at your county courthouse during regular business hours. Hours will very depending on the county, and some courthouses will be open on Saturday, February 2. You may also vote on Election Day, Tuesday, February 5 at your local polling place.Remember this is for the Primary only, this is not the Genral election that will be held in November. Yes,believe it or not, I had some individuals somewhat confused about this vote. There are many states voting on this day, but this vote is to select the nominees for the General Election. If you need further info please, contact your county clerk for polling locations and directions. Go to this link:

http://e2ma.net/go/902290832/788659/28489511/goto:http://www.arcounties.org/counties to find contact information for your county clerk as well as the location and business hours for your county courthouse. I can't encourage you enough to get out and get in the process, TODAY! Every vote counts, believe me!

Podcasting Cornelius: Yes, it's almost that time again...another podcast coming to you from our downtown Mablevale studios where we bring you our savvy take on what's really going on. If you've got info, want to give a shout out or maybe want to sponsor a segment, then get in touch with Arkansas' GLBTQ online destination for everything over the rainbow and more!!

Immaculate Cure: I received an e-mail from one of our intrepid readers inquiring about a YouTube viral video citing that a popular gospel singer was "cured" from his HIV diagnosis with help from on high. Apparently, Dwayne Woods tested positive, then somehow was absloved of the virus from his body which he attest was due to his faith connection and a penned tune entitled "God Still Heals." Available for purchase from his website for a modest fee. Now, I know that prayer has power and there are healing forces around us, but this might be just a bit much. For the record, I've seen the video and listen to some of the lovely music. But, as usual I want you dear reader to make the call and then share what you think in this forum. Here's the link for the video:http://www.youtube.com/v/AO4_vVsbqSc&rel=1

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