Memorial Day 2011 marks not only the beginning of the summer season, but somberly reminds us of the fallen heroes who lay in hallow grounds around the globe. Unfortunately, even as we stop to remember these individuals, our nation and it's servicemen and women are still engaged in conflicts in Middle East, North Africa and the longest and the costly mash-up taking place in Afghanistan. CorneliusOnpoint salutes all those who fill the rolls of our armed services who have pledged to "serve and protect" our homeland and freedom. However, with wreathes being placed, TAPS being played and proclamation stating our commitment to these persons, we find disturbing factoids surrounding the plight of those who return from these war theatres. Shockingly, suicides are rampant and have been escalating at a rapid pace due to PST dilemma's, meanwhile a plethora of other issues surrounding vets ranging from homelessness, mortgage refinancing to lack of employment opportunities have become platforms for vigorous debate. Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA) has been a firm supporter with numerous pieces viable legislation and Senator Patty Murray(D-WA) signed on to sponsor a Veterans Employment Act of 2010 and currently the Hiring Heroes Act of 2011 to address unemployment among vets now topping a whopping 27%. The 111th Congress also offered a variety of vet focused bills including the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Service Act of 2010. Yet as more of these factors have fallen front and center, it seems shameful that those who fight the good fight must return to their homes only to become ensnared in nightmarish scenarios of civilian living. This forum will highlight as well as spotlight these ongoing critical issues affecting service people across the board. If you have stories, observations or voices to share, the floor is always open.
Gay Pioneers Frank Kameny and Lilli Vincenz will be available for photographs.
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Gay Pioneers Screening Will Launch June Pride
To launch June Pride, Equality Forum and federal LGBT workplace groups will screen Gay Pioneers on Tuesday, May 31st at 6 p.m. in the LBJ Auditorium, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW.
Gay Pioneers Frank Kameny, 86, the father of the LGBT civil rights movement, and Lilli Vincenz, 74, will participate in a Q & A with Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director, Equality Forum and the Executive Producer of Gay Pioneers. This will be the first screening of Gay Pioneers at a federal venue.
There is a networking reception following the Q & A hosted by federal LGBT workplace groups. The event from 6 to 7:30 p.m. is FREE.
Kevin Jennings, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Safe and Drug-Free Schools, U.S. Department of Education and founder of GLSEN, will introduce the film.
Gay Pioneers was co-produced by Equality Forum and WHYY/PBS. To learn more about Gay Pioneers, visit
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