Does it seem that 2011 is just slip sliding away? Well, as another Memorial Day weekend rolls out complete with the somber reminder that many in our armed forces have offered the ultimate sacrifice to frivolity of festivals, changing of the seasons and of course, more CorneliusOnpoint getting ready to bust out the rest of the year. So many topics, issues and a kitchen sink or two are just the tip of what's on our bucket list. While we were on hiatus, many subjects that this forum put out front in the LGBTQI community then, need a review as well as an update to as if any progress has occurred or remains the status quo. Despite significant issues within our core audience, this forum realizes that many issues such as poverty, homelessness, health disparities and economic barriers that loom large in the greater society directly reverberate across all humanity. Our mission vision is steadfast and clear, as we promise to empower, enrich and entertain our readers with the best original content, open debate and access to information we can muster. If you haven't subscribed to our return, then we encourage you to do so. Don't forget to become one our followers as well. Even though we were out of sight for a time, we were never out of touch with our friends, family and fans that have been awaiting our come back. Thanks for your enthusiastic "welcome back" and "go get em" well wishes. Stay tuned....

Gays on Southern Ground
I've been reading numerous stories and following items surrounding the census findings that have determined that gay people raising children as couples and otherwise has become extremely prominent in the south. Especially in nontraditional cities such as Jacksonville, Florida which has one the largest communities of gay parents in the country. In a New York Times January article by Sabrina T., she cites that, "In addition, the data show, child rearing among same-sex couples is more common in the South than in any other region of the country, according to Gary Gates, a demographer at the University of California, Los Angeles. Gay couples in Southern states like Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas are more likely to be raising children than their counterparts on the West Coast, in New York and in New England."
The pattern, identified by Mr. Gates, is also notable because the families in this region defy the stereotype of a mainstream gay America that is white, affluent, urban and living in the Northeast or on the West Coast.
“We’re starting to see that the gay community is very diverse,” said Bob Witeck, chief executive of Witeck-Combs Communications, which helped market the census to gay people. “We’re not all rich white guys.”
Black or Latino gay couples are twice as likely as whites to be raising children, according to Mr. Gates, who used data from a Census Bureau sampling known as the American Community Survey. They are also more likely than their white counterparts to be struggling economically. Most notably that article made the point that many of these units are results of individuals who were in previous heterosexual relationship's where children were conceived prior to their current status. It was a pointed fact that this was a fact, at least in Jacksonville of many Black and Latino couples. The 2009 census estimated at least 581,000 same-sex couples among the 8.8 million self identifying gays in the U.S. Counting same-sex couples didn't began until 1990 with married couples now becoming apart of that data gathering. As a first, local group CAR participated with the 2009 census program and actively recruited volunteers within the LGBTQ community. (photo courtesy of
Doing Double Duty

Gays on Southern Ground
I've been reading numerous stories and following items surrounding the census findings that have determined that gay people raising children as couples and otherwise has become extremely prominent in the south. Especially in nontraditional cities such as Jacksonville, Florida which has one the largest communities of gay parents in the country. In a New York Times January article by Sabrina T., she cites that, "In addition, the data show, child rearing among same-sex couples is more common in the South than in any other region of the country, according to Gary Gates, a demographer at the University of California, Los Angeles. Gay couples in Southern states like Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas are more likely to be raising children than their counterparts on the West Coast, in New York and in New England."
The pattern, identified by Mr. Gates, is also notable because the families in this region defy the stereotype of a mainstream gay America that is white, affluent, urban and living in the Northeast or on the West Coast.
“We’re starting to see that the gay community is very diverse,” said Bob Witeck, chief executive of Witeck-Combs Communications, which helped market the census to gay people. “We’re not all rich white guys.”
Black or Latino gay couples are twice as likely as whites to be raising children, according to Mr. Gates, who used data from a Census Bureau sampling known as the American Community Survey. They are also more likely than their white counterparts to be struggling economically. Most notably that article made the point that many of these units are results of individuals who were in previous heterosexual relationship's where children were conceived prior to their current status. It was a pointed fact that this was a fact, at least in Jacksonville of many Black and Latino couples. The 2009 census estimated at least 581,000 same-sex couples among the 8.8 million self identifying gays in the U.S. Counting same-sex couples didn't began until 1990 with married couples now becoming apart of that data gathering. As a first, local group CAR participated with the 2009 census program and actively recruited volunteers within the LGBTQ community. (photo courtesy of
Doing Double Duty
Some of you don't know it but now you do, I do double duty in this writing thing. My other wordy endeavor is on behalf of the National Association of Black and White Men Together, Inc. where I post for their online presence, QVExpress. It's what I like to call the sassy sister of its big brother, Q-Visions which is the e-zine of the group. For the last 2 years I've served as Editor of that platform which serves to communicate the organizations mission statement which is to "support environment wherein racial and cultural barriers can be overcome and the goals of human equality realized." NABWMT was established in 1980 as organization to address the issues of racism, sexism, homophobia, HIV/AIDS discrimination within the LGBTQ community utilizing educational and social activities. You can check out my contributions to each from the following links: or
Sharing the NEWS!!!!
If you have tips, breaking news, opinons, observations or commentary to share, then do it with COP:24/7. We encouarage your participation and interaction with this forum.
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