We are still here. Yes the latest rapture prediction and aftermath came and went with its organizers once again giving some inept reasoning as to why their "gloom and doom" howl went belly up. Its amazing that these folks can stir up, whip up and conjure up such dogma to send some folks into a frenzy. I was never quite caught up, since this dude has done this off the wall type of silliness previous when then, he too said as he said this time out, "somehow I got the numbers mixed up." Yeah Right!
Since we are still in the land of the living, lets go hard to see what really going on....
No Gay talk in Tennessee schools
Instead of Tennessee's lawmakers being concerned with readin,writin and countin, it seems that they are overly concerned that children from kindergarten to eighth grade don't get no teachin or discussin on them there GAY people. Yes my friends, Tennessee's Senate has passed a bill to forbid teachers and students to discuss that some people are gay. Talk about social engineering? Although the bill made it through the Senate, the bill isn't likely to be taken up by the House before lawmakers adjourn this spring, but the sponsor there has said he would push it forward in 2012 when the General Assembly comes back for the second year of the session.
Passage would make Tennessee the first state to enact such legislation, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In 2003, Washington defeated a proposal similar to Tennessee's, as did California in 2005 and 2006. A Louisiana law forbids the use of sexually explicit materials depicting homosexuality in sex education classes.
Under the proposal, any instruction or materials at a public elementary or middle school would be limited to age-appropriate lessons about the science of human reproduction.
The legislation was amended from the original version, which said no elementary or middle schools will "provide any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality." Republican Senate sponsor Stacey Campfield of Knoxville said some of his colleagues were uncomfortable with that language.
In an Associated Press reported quote Campfield quipped, "There's more than one way to skin a cat," Campfield said after the vote. "I got what I wanted."
He said the language is appropriate because "homosexuals don't naturally reproduce," and he said it's necessary because the state's curriculum is unclear on what can be taught. Unfortunately friends this guy is dead serious about this as if these students won't be expose from other outlets or perhaps those who they circulate among?
Meanwhile, Sen. Roy Herron, D- Dresden, said it "may inadvertently prevent the teaching of ethics, morality and abstinence." Therefore with this passing, it appears that the LGBTQ community in this state may need to mobilize an effort to expose and unseat any Senator that thought this was a nifty idea.
Casting Call for LRBP
A recent Facebook blast was forwarded from Little Rock Black Pride concerning a "casting call" for an upcoming fashion show. At post time details were not complete, but the group is also planning "Sex and the City," 2011 Black Pride, July 22-24, 2011. According to an online flier, the host hotel will be Comfort Inn & Suites with travel partners American Airlines and Avis car rental. Unfortunately, with all this framework being announced, we've not been able to determine the programming for this week. Past events have featured strippers, exotic dancers, Mr & Miss Black Pride, picnicking in Reservoir Park and other assorted items. However, although supportive of local organizations, has wondered out loud about programming choices that supposedly represent, "Black Pride." Of course, we assume that everyone may have their interpretation of this "pride" concept but we would hope that organizers would program some "sexy" issues like personal responsibility, political empowerment and becoming more money savvy. We know that these issues pale in importance to bulging biceps, six packs and junk in the trunk. This forum is not a prude because we celebrate physical health and wellness. Yet, we encourage this group to consider programming dealing with not only the Body, but the Mind and Soul as well that is desperately needed in this city and throughout this community. If you need suggestions, give us a shout out, we're always ready to help.
Health Reform for Me 4 U
Local station KARK will do more of its investigative pieces on the impending health care reform schedule to fully roll out in 2014. Although pegged "Obamacare," actually its formal name is the Affordable Health Care for Americans Act which was hotly debated and is still facing lawsuits, legislative challenges and opposition from opponents whom claim that it will bankrupt the country. Since most of you, if not most other as well have not read the bill, this report may help in answering some questions and quiet some misconception about this measure. If you are a local comcast customer, Channel 4 is actually (channel 5) if not check your local listings. It will be apart of their 6 pm newscast and most likely will be available on their website after airing. We will be following it and posting on Wednesday after our AIDS in Arkansas post this Tuesday.
The Big "O" Bounces
Well it's here. The final week of the legendary Oprah Winfrey Show that has dominated the daytime airwaves, pop culture and advertising world for the last 25 years. She told the world last year that season 25 would be her last, as she moves on to work her magic on the recently launched OWN network. I don't think Winfrey is trying to top herself, but rather continue building her "feel good empowering aura" onto a cadrie of productions. So far, only a couple of these efforts have garnered my attention and the rest are reconfigurations of stuff I've already seen and dismissed. Its obvious that Winfrey has had much influence in popular culture to the point that she wanted to copyright "lightbulb moment" as a personal mark and has set the book world afire with her choices of the latest read. For the last 25 years she's been their, on the afternoon tube with a dizzying array of topics, trends, toublemakers, and trinkets that now have their own iconic touch as Oprah's Favorite Things. She has spinned a web that has ensnared those favored demographics that advertisers swoon over while manipulating the greatest advertising campaign from everything from bath soap to PJ's. Meanwhile, bringing those superstars into the living rooms and kitchens of those who couldn't get enough of the "O" questions about being authentic and self revealing. Winfrey has just about done it all in the last two decades front and center calling the shots as she wanted with her stance that "nothing is off the table." And we've waited and watched her guest unfold their lives by peeling back every layer of the onion so we could savor the human aroma of pain, pause and passion day after day without regrets. As she calls the curtain, there has been talk that some of her minions will go through some type of "post Oprah syndrome," and others for reasons beyond me will find a void in their afternoons. No matter where you fall on the "O" meter, hopefully you will be able to discover another method to share your time. In the meantime we salute OW for 25 years of providing us all a means to fall through the looking glass, where we found each of lives colliding and combusting to understand that each of our six degrees of seperation really makes us have more in common than we ever really thought. Good Luck and Best Wishes...
Since we are still in the land of the living, lets go hard to see what really going on....
No Gay talk in Tennessee schools
Instead of Tennessee's lawmakers being concerned with readin,writin and countin, it seems that they are overly concerned that children from kindergarten to eighth grade don't get no teachin or discussin on them there GAY people. Yes my friends, Tennessee's Senate has passed a bill to forbid teachers and students to discuss that some people are gay. Talk about social engineering? Although the bill made it through the Senate, the bill isn't likely to be taken up by the House before lawmakers adjourn this spring, but the sponsor there has said he would push it forward in 2012 when the General Assembly comes back for the second year of the session.
Passage would make Tennessee the first state to enact such legislation, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In 2003, Washington defeated a proposal similar to Tennessee's, as did California in 2005 and 2006. A Louisiana law forbids the use of sexually explicit materials depicting homosexuality in sex education classes.
Under the proposal, any instruction or materials at a public elementary or middle school would be limited to age-appropriate lessons about the science of human reproduction.
The legislation was amended from the original version, which said no elementary or middle schools will "provide any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality." Republican Senate sponsor Stacey Campfield of Knoxville said some of his colleagues were uncomfortable with that language.
In an Associated Press reported quote Campfield quipped, "There's more than one way to skin a cat," Campfield said after the vote. "I got what I wanted."
He said the language is appropriate because "homosexuals don't naturally reproduce," and he said it's necessary because the state's curriculum is unclear on what can be taught. Unfortunately friends this guy is dead serious about this as if these students won't be expose from other outlets or perhaps those who they circulate among?
Meanwhile, Sen. Roy Herron, D- Dresden, said it "may inadvertently prevent the teaching of ethics, morality and abstinence." Therefore with this passing, it appears that the LGBTQ community in this state may need to mobilize an effort to expose and unseat any Senator that thought this was a nifty idea.
Casting Call for LRBP
A recent Facebook blast was forwarded from Little Rock Black Pride concerning a "casting call" for an upcoming fashion show. At post time details were not complete, but the group is also planning "Sex and the City," 2011 Black Pride, July 22-24, 2011. According to an online flier, the host hotel will be Comfort Inn & Suites with travel partners American Airlines and Avis car rental. Unfortunately, with all this framework being announced, we've not been able to determine the programming for this week. Past events have featured strippers, exotic dancers, Mr & Miss Black Pride, picnicking in Reservoir Park and other assorted items. However, although supportive of local organizations, has wondered out loud about programming choices that supposedly represent, "Black Pride." Of course, we assume that everyone may have their interpretation of this "pride" concept but we would hope that organizers would program some "sexy" issues like personal responsibility, political empowerment and becoming more money savvy. We know that these issues pale in importance to bulging biceps, six packs and junk in the trunk. This forum is not a prude because we celebrate physical health and wellness. Yet, we encourage this group to consider programming dealing with not only the Body, but the Mind and Soul as well that is desperately needed in this city and throughout this community. If you need suggestions, give us a shout out, we're always ready to help.
Health Reform for Me 4 U
Local station KARK will do more of its investigative pieces on the impending health care reform schedule to fully roll out in 2014. Although pegged "Obamacare," actually its formal name is the Affordable Health Care for Americans Act which was hotly debated and is still facing lawsuits, legislative challenges and opposition from opponents whom claim that it will bankrupt the country. Since most of you, if not most other as well have not read the bill, this report may help in answering some questions and quiet some misconception about this measure. If you are a local comcast customer, Channel 4 is actually (channel 5) if not check your local listings. It will be apart of their 6 pm newscast and most likely will be available on their website after airing. We will be following it and posting on Wednesday after our AIDS in Arkansas post this Tuesday.
The Big "O" Bounces

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