Did you feel it? It's the essence of Fall 2009 slowly descending all around you and me. As the year continues to streak towards another New Year, 09 is still rocking and rolling with everything one can imagine and then some. The outrageous meter can't keep track of the rhetoric from the lunatic fringe, misinformation, spin statements, passionate cries, mea culpas and blown fuses. All of this is slowly reaching that "tipping point" that has some calling for a "time out" for the foolishness. Meanwhile, COP:24/7 is solidly standing firm during this societal storm front, keeping our unique brand of commentary, updates, mash up's and whatever makes the cut type of information for the GLBTQ community and beyond. We're here, "living out loud and more in Living color!" Now let's bounce...
PFlag Commeth: Last Friday on Rosh Hashanah eve, a local version of the national group, Parents and Friends of Gays and Lesbians had a launch ev
ent citing their "revival" in this city. This forum answered the call from their "web circulated" invites, in our usual manner of showing support to local organizations. I was pleasantly surprised at the 60 people turnout, with many local groups in attendance ranging from Senate Candidate Jay Barth, New Beginnings Church to the Arkansas AIDS Foundation and this forum (CorneilusONpoint) which was announced although I didn't stand for any official statement. After a meet and greet reception each group was offered a chance to present themselves and share their agencies mission or purpose. At this point it was apparent that this city has a core community of activist pursuing a variety of areas seeking to empower as well as informed stakeholders. All of this is good news as the organizers of PFLAG stated that the newly organized group would be seeking to be a supportive entity acting as a "visible" ally for the GLBTQ community of Arkansas. All of this sounded good, well intentioned and certainly hopeful, however, I'm all about the adage,"it all comes out in the wash." Speaking of the wash, during this launch, another interesting tidbit occurred that cause me some pause and sorta rubbed me and mostly my partner in the wrong in the place. My LTC whom accompanied me to the launch decided to help me out with covering this event with taking a few candid wide angle shots for this posting. Yet, after "2" flashes, he was approached by one of the organizers whom stated that "some of these people in this room might not feel comfortable having their pictures taken here...," and asked to discontinue taking shots. EXCUSE ME, but didn't I just hear from this organization that your intentions were to be a "visible" ally of the GLBTQ community? Wasn't their an inquiry from a New Beginnings member asking if there would be a public notice about their efforts? So, if you don't want pictures taken of your "launch" due to the possible sensitivity of "some" in attendance, whom incidentally knew what they were coming to, then are you not sending mixed signals of those intentions? How can this group be supportive of a "National Coming Out" of anything or important issues regarding this community, if there's a black out of who attended not a meeting, but rather a simple reception. With that said, even though COP:24/7 post info concerning the GLBTQ community, we defer that individuals mentioned or pictures of such doesn't constitute or imply their sexuality or preferences. Therefore, as Executive Producer I've decided that the best wide angle shot taken at this event would be posted within this item as planned. I'm a firm believer in the First Amendment and our right to responsible publishing as well as our internal ethics in regards to defamation or impropriety. If organizations are putting themselves on front street as definitive allies of this community which are greatly needed, then I suggest that they either be a big dog and bring it all from the porch or either consider being "ankle biter" and stay on the porch. Enough said, until next time community...

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