Thank God it's Friday. Yes, it's time for the weekend and as usual I'll be busting a move thorughout both sides of the river. Just how do I do it, is sometimes beyond me, but never mind someone's got to do it I guess. As we finish up the work day and lay out those plans, here's our latest outing, just for you, you and you too!

Picnic in the CAR: In celebration of National Coming Out Day and to encourage participation in equality work at the local and state level CAR is calling on our organizational friends, members and other individuals to join our “Coalition of the Willing” to put on this event. This October 10, 2009 Reservoir Park, Cantrell Road near Reservoir in West Little Rock starting around 1pm. The event will be much like our Pride Picnic only with much better weather! Free Food, Entertainment, Speakers, Games and a Kickball finale. This event is for ALL of our LGBTQ/Same Gender Loving community and allies. Bring your family and friends.Come out and be a part of building strong, respectful community relationships across our differences; creating unity and power on the road to equal and fair treatment in Arkansas.We need:• Volunteers• Cooks• 2 gas grills – to borrow• Performers• Donations For more information 501-244-9690 or email
It's falli
ng out of the bag on Oct. 2 and I'm devilishly awaiting with anticipation for the latest mash up from filmaker Michael Moore. Ever since Bowling for Columbine, I've become a real fan of his genre of moviemaking. Moore has a unique way of taking a simple subject matter aand turn it on it's head as means for knocking you in the head to think about it more clearly. In Capitalism, Moore goes for the jugular and in my opinion probably a "ballbuster" in regards to the ultimate hiest that ensnared the entire U.S. economic system. Ladies and Gents, there's theives in the temple and apparently they're getting away with it scott free. You know, those smartest guys and gals in the room with the fancy corner offices, computer consoles and crackberries. It's
almost unfathomable as Moore goes asking all the "right people" about where our damn money went and who's minding the store. Of course this bullseye approach is just what every citizen needs to witness as somehow we recover from this latest shigity from the money folks. And there's lots of characters involved in this cash dash from 1600 Penn Avenue all the way to the main street real estate talking heads who were all in on this major ponze scheme of derivatives, mortage default swaps and NINA ( No Income No Assets) loans. We've been had and left with pile of DO that stinking to high heaven. If you do nothing, I suggest that you take a few minutes to go to a theatre once it hits this city and sit in awe. I've set my Fandango alert meter to hit me up when tickets can be purchased for local showings. Here's an idea, why not a group of us get together and check it out. I'll keep you posted and comment here if you want to be in mix when the lights go down and the maddness starts. Let's hear from you.... in the meantime, check out his website at Tell em I sent ya!

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