I don't know about you, but there's a lot of seemingly strangeness going on around me and if you take a minute, perhaps you too. Each day as I gather myself to produce this effort, I sift through the e-bag, any snail mail, source material and the "boob" tube for items of interest for this forum. However, some days I'm just not sure what will make the cut and just where I may need to cut matters off, when they start to take me into the lunatic fringe zone. But, I continue on doing my damnest to keep bringing you the latest updates, commentary, links and hopefully stuff that gets you attention. It's always right here and don't you forget it. Now let's get on with it....
Queen Scorn A- G0-Go: Have you heard it? You know...those "O" zingers such as "Obamanation," Obaminator," Obliterator," and "Oh No Picnochino!" Obviously the honeymoon is over. I've been just outdone with the tone and temerity of the anti-Obama language that is seeping from the veins of the land. Believe it or not in gay land, the murmuring, grumbling and gnashing of teeth is slowly
swirling like a bottomless cess pool. Case in point, stark articles and commentaries in this month's The Advocate, all but want to take POTUS to the wood shed for some splanin. M.J. Gross' article plays hardball with vexing paradoxes of has the gay construct fallen into hero worship of Obama or even with the election of Obama, the gay movement hasn't dealt with the elephant in the room of self defeating complacency? Gross' writes,
ol Hill to 1600 Penn Avenue. Meanwhile, Dan Savage takes another approach beginning with his opening statement: "We could start with the betrayals and the slights -- the Reverend Rick Warren, 265 (and counting) gay men and lesbians kicked out of the military since Barack Obama was sworn in, the now-infamous DOMA brief that compared gay marriage to incest and pedophilia -- but maybe we should start by remembering the good times." And that was for openers in his take no prisoners lashing. His commentary echos a ping that I've been reading and hearing about from disenchanted gays that Mr. O, although they thought was the "one", but lately it appears that many feel perhaps-NOT. The comments on his commentary and Gross's piece ran the gamut, from the "I told you so" crowd to "give "O" a break," supporters. After reading the commentary, it was extremely obvious to myself as to the distaste Obama has created in his mouth. He goes on to rant with such phrases as,

"the national gay rights movement is trapped between activism and politics,The article quotes many noted gay rights advocates who are "peeved" with the lackluster action of the Obama administration. Many are not mincing words about the various national gay organizations and it's leadership. On the federal level, “we don’t have an organization that fights for us with sufficient teeth in their arsenal,” says novelist, playwright, and gay rights pioneer Larry Kramer. Mr. Krammer is best known for ACT-UP which fought to recognize the AIDS crisis with bold and steadfast tactics that demanded the attention of lawmakers. The reactions from their strategies were often seen aggressive, but formidable in getting the necessary attitude adjustment for the cause from Capit
between anger and ambition. We are trapped between wanting equal rights and
wanting to get invited to parties at the White House.

"Have you ever been introduced to someone with whom you’d had a torrid one-nightLadies and Gents, are them fightin words or what? All this cutty rhetoric despite Presidents Obama's attempts to rise to the occassion with the Domestic Partnership measure which fell short with no medical coverage included, a Meet & Greet with Who's Who in Gay Elite,(unforutnately my invitation was lost in the mail) public Gay Pride Proclamations, and the Harvey Milk Medal of Freedom award. Even though these gestures are admirable, apparently they just doesn't meet the expectations or satisfaction of naysayers. Especially in addressing the DADT dilemma and marriage isssues. As a political junkie, I can see both sides of this argument, but if we are going to speak to power, then we must harness the power of LGBTQ people themselves with diverse commitment, hearty revenue streams, assertive action and a fever for defining the best path to positive outcomes. Ultimately, folks it all comes down to, "what you gonna do?"
stand and he acted like he didn’t know you? “Don’t know me?” you’re tempted to
say in a loud voice. “Honey, you ate my ass.” Could Barack Obama be that one-night stand?
Got comments, observations, opinion, rebuttal or two cents to add. Then hit us up in the comment icon and share. Hey, we dare ya....
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