Friday in the Central City and it's been a full week for COP:24/7, but the weekend looms large right around the corner. Talk about fast and furious is keeping the calendar of events, meetings, work, this forum and home front. Just how in the hell does stay the course at this pace. Well, some how you just keep on ticking and try to do it with getting a licking. Hey gang, let's wrap her up and see which shoot we'll be coming out of next.
G-Politics 101: Last evening, this forums executive producer was a featured guest of the Triple Play Week hosted by local community based organization, B& S: Living With/ Affected By in regards to facilitating a "gay political" workshop. From the onset, I had some reservations, but went for it, since the groups executive director personally sent out the call for such an effort. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect or what the turn out would be like, yet it didn't matter because if there's one person, perhaps there's a chance for a teachable moment. About 8 people showed up and I moved through my

outline quickly covering some historical elements, movement progression, finding your passion and culminating with interaction with audience participants. As we finalized the exercise, it was realized that locally we've had capacity building opportunities, but that the vessel of "Gay Politics" ensconced a variety of issues that ultimately touch all of us unilaterally. It's not always the Big Tent items such as Marriage Equality issues but on the simplest scale it was determined that we could began with the practice of "The Politics of HELLO," where we began outreaching to individuals who we have yet to meet or connect within our comfort zones. This concept is a centerpiece of getting more diversity in local organizations and planning groups. If we don't know our fellow person in the fight for human rights, we should in order to build bridges as well as allies in pursuing positive outcomes. I want to personally thank everyone who attended this Thursday evening round table. Your courage and engagement is to be admired. Hopefully that mindset will began to spread across the city and state. The evening was recorded by Ari C. for podcast use on the impending Q-Radio show website and additional pictures will be posted to our FACEBOOK page. If you didn't get to attend, remember, "What you don't know, can hurt you?"
tch: Have you heard? They're open. Who you ask? Well, do you have the special knock? No, I don't. Then who sent ya...COP:24/7 sent me. O.K. come in to
Speakeasy, the piano bar, restaurant and lounge. Yes my pretties, the doors have opened to this long awaited haunt from strident supporters of the former, Easy Street piano bar. I had some early previews during construction, then a subsequent re-look during a impromptu birthday mash up, but I didn't get any firm invite for the "grand opening" or what have you. Let's just say that this forum has been upfront and not to mention always kept it real about topic A, B or business C. For the record, I attend any and all functions at my own expense. No collusion or freebies in exchange for flowering supportive words. Just the honest observations based on as much fact that I can determined or is shared. With that said, the owners of Speakeasy have stated that they have a certain clientele that they wish to attract and although perhaps "gay friendly" there establishment is not particularly a G-spot. It was defined that the "heights" crowd was being sought as the preferred patron i their customer mash up. However, Excuse me, but the Heights crowd consist of many disposable income "gays and Lesbians," not to mention that the area is represented by Arkansas first openly Lesbian, K.Webb. Of course this is America where you may run you business as your own Private Idaho, but I'll bet money that after the initial new restaurant buzz goes bye-bye, those lavender dollars will look pretty damn good after all. I've mentioned that the menu I saw was certainly ambitious, the aesthetic trappings including dual pianos are a nice touch and the entrepreneurial spirit of those involved is to be commended. However, there's much more to this type of operation and I hope that they're ready to deal with it all, because not only am I coming to get a closer look, but the public at large will be descending shortly and if they think I've been tough. Just you wait. Look for my total review coming next week. I can assure you that you will not want to miss it. If you've already checked it out, feel free to share your thoughts, insights, or observations here first. Let's dialogue shall we....
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