Monday, June 25, 2007

The 24/7 Catch Up under the Big Top... A Retake

Have you recovered yet? Well, I have and I'm back in the "Big Chair" gathering all the news, reviews, information, updates, the " Pride Hit and Misses," as well as a round up of everything that's everything in let's get started!

Domestics- R- Us/ The update: The Eurkea Springs Domestic Registry officially began accepting applications for it's local registry on Friday (6/22/07). There were at least 13 couples, which included Faith Tindle Swayer of the NWAGLCC, who filed into to the City Clerks office to receive their city embossed document citing their registration as domestic partners. Want can start the process by downloading the application then go to Eureka and file it. Viola! you're registered...Then when the magic is over you can go back to clerks office to get your domestic termination registration just as easy. All for just $35 or $20 a pop each. If you are in interested here are the links:

We got PRIDE 07!!

As the rainbow flags continue to unfurl across the nation, Little Rock concluded it's 2007 Pride Week celebration with It's Annual Turn-about Show featuring represenatives from each bar in various forms of drag. The show culminated a week worth of activities that covered a range of thought processes and demonstrated the versatility of the community overall. Even though I didn't make all the events, I tried to get a vibe or assessment from a broad spectrum of those who attended the weeks offerings.

Review: As a past Pride organizer, I can sympathize with those all over the state whom took the mantle of putting together another week of activites. Everyone involved should feel a sense of accomplishment and of course, pride. I salute each of you on the efforts. However in my opinion, each year it seems that resources, money and man power continue to be stumbling blocks to producing large festival events such as the Capital Pride affair at the Rivermarket. If the community wants to take pride to this level, they must understand the longistics and the intense advance planning that it will take to make this type of event happen in 2008. Work at this level becomes extremely taxing and leads to burn out of volunteers, board members and administration unilaterally. I suggest that each community began "Today" with sizing up, what worked or didn't work, respectively. Meanhwile, enlisting supporters early and gathering steam to start preparing for 08.

Pride Hits and Misses: I've acknowledge the tremendous amount of work that it takes to put on pride, I was so informed that each year also has a "learning curve" that must be respected. With that said, there were some great hits and few misses that I would be remiss in not mentioning despite the rainbow afterglow. Hit: I felt that Conway's GLBTQI communities determination to establish a pride tradition is certainly a hit. My first visit to their modest gathering was truly interesting, had good attendance and certainly lends itself to future growth. Good show, but some performers should have been limited to just one good number instead of mega-mixes that just go on and on. The police presence was more than adequate, I liked that Denny's of Conway offered discount coupons to everyone and gay marketing from MET Life insurance company were good signs that almost anything is possible if we just ask in time. Miss: No onsite food vendors available. ( Was I suppose to pack a lunch?)

Hit: The Factory scored with the Mr. & Miss Pride contest featuring royalty from all around including MGA 07. Also, their attempt to offer a variety of choices deserves a high-five. I think the addition of the staging area and acquring pageant rights will continue to add flavor to the place.

Miss: I was somewhat mystified by two events that had me scracthing my head. I read in the local entertainment tabloid Sync about the Cher impersonator scheduled for a thursday night(6/21) performance and a Free Sunday Brunch on (6/24). To my suprise I didn't really see a signifcant Bar promo push about the live show. Therefore, I was taken aback when sources reported that the entertainer look-alike showed up at Sidetracks prior to the thursday night concert in search of an audience! He took pictures with bar patrons, was "Cher" convincing and proceeded to empty the bar by inviting everyone to his show. You got to give him hustspa and many spunk points for finding folks to entertain. But most likely this was a far-reaching and probably expensive lesson to be learned by the new promoters that serious entertainers need much promotion and ballyhoo to get out the public. As for the advertised Brunch, I'm not sure what happened. I arrived around 1 p.m. to get pictures to include in our collage on this page(see below) but no one was home.

Hit: Sidetracks Family Reunion get's high marks for bridging old school folks with fostering an atmosphere to make new friends. They really believe in the their tag line "Welcome Home!" J.D. ( I vote as the real host with the mostest) and the merry ban of food preparers were throwin down some hot and bodacious catfish with all the fixins. If you came away hungry, it's your own damn fault! Keep up the good work guys and prosperity always to ya...

Miss: In the midst of the Sunday Kegger and cook-out, somehow I couldn't figure out what happend to the caravan. Did they leave without me or did it leave from some where else? Oh well...
Hit: I've got to give it to Easy Street for staying the course and trying to offer alternative entertainment. The hosting of the LGBT film festival gets kudos as well as M. Henderson for his free wheeling thinking.

Miss: I was somewhat confused with the listing of the birthday parties as "pride events." Maybe this was an inside joke that I didn't get.

Thanks to everyone who kept us in the loop on Pride 07. Below are pictures representing the week!

We support Internet Radio by streaming on our new updated MySpace page at Hit us up and feel the vibe....

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