Wednesday, December 05, 2007

On point and Stayin ahead of the Curve! part 3

While you are shopping for that special gift or little something that would give someone encouragement, you might want to consider this new film from our online partner,

Just Between Us is a documentary that was inspired by its creator and director Ken Jackson to educate the community about its own limitations of being a voice in American society. Jackson traveled the United States to meet the legends, the pioneers and the revolutionaries of the 21st Century in the African-American Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender community to gauge its position as a whole since the start of the new century. For Jackson, the documentary is both a test and a discovery, not only for the community, but himself as well. As African-American Diasporas have all been too prevalent in American society, given that during the Clinton Administration it was colorfully titled as the Gay 90s, where Gays, Lesbians, Bi-sexual and Transgender individuals could enjoy some basic civil liberties, the African-American gay Community was somehow seemingly missed, avoided or passed over. And now with the popularity of the Down Low phenomenon, where the community as a whole has had to withstand the brunt of what most of the country considers a public threat, the African-American gay community needs to make strong and significant efforts to solidify its presence and rebound in the face of this disgrace and harsh scorn. Jackson traveled to the South, the Southwest, and the East Coast to explore the rich, diverse landscape of the African-American Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender community, by interviewing people who are trying to redefine, reshape and rejuvenate the community as a whole in the work that they do. Influential and famous individuals like Bobby Blake, Faith Trimel, Maurice Jamal, Sharon Bridgforth and Christopher David and individuals like Rudolph Carn, Zandra Conway, Brandon Bragg and Layli Phillips, Ph.D, who are apart of grassroots organizations, all of which whose personal and organizational missions are to empower and enlighten the African-American Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgender community. The DVD is available from their website: It's listed for $31.99 If you decide to get one, tell em you heard about it here first.

It's On NOW: Formidable presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton is not gonna stand for it and is taking it to the streets right before the Iowa caucuses. Mrs. HRC is stepping up her attacks on B. Obama citing his lack of experience, health care plan and that awkward statement he made about his living in a foreign country as some kind of foreign diplomacy credential. Joining the pile on is President 42, Bill Clinton who is ardently defending his wife by disputing the "inaccuracies" from other contenders. Camp Obama in a "no you don't" moment has created an additional website highlighting Hillary's statements as negative politics. We are only weeks away from the Iowa show down... you've just got to stay tune.

OH! GW: I know most of you didn't see it and you should have. It was yesterday's press conference with President Bush's spin on the latest NIE, which stated that Iran's nuclear program was stopped some 4 years ago and doesn't have one in place now. However, the decider who actually had further "unanalyzed" intel information in August, stated that he sorta just learned about this recently. Despite his "mushroom cloud/World War 3" rhetoric that he's freely shared with the world in October. I did a double take as I listened to the leader of the free world continue to take a defense posture, meanwhile spouting that a pre-emptive military strike is "not off the table." Excuse me, but haven't we been down this road to Iraq. What about those missing weapons of mass destruction, our nation building, and the confusing issues of intel "credibility." In the words of Lou Dobbs, "What in the world is this President thinking?" Or should I be saying not thinking. Mr. Bush, could we get this right before someone get's blown up for no reason.

Have you registed to vote yet? If not here are some important dates for you to remember.

January 7, 2008 Voter Registeration Deadline

January 29, 2008 Early Voting Begins

Febraury, 5, 2008 Presidential Preferential Primary Elections

If you don't know if you are registered, and why don't you know? You can find out by logging on to to check you status. What you waiting for, do it today!!!

HELP Wanted: I'm looking for comments, commentators or photos that speak a thousand words. If you've got something on your mind and want to share it, then let us know in our comment section. It's all about being interactive and this can't happen without you. Let's hear from you today!

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