Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Which way did they go Wednesday & then some more!!!

Oh Monday, that blessed day when we start all over again and again, and again, you know the routine. So, without and delay, let's what's shaping the week, our interest and hopefully will tweak your interest as well. It's a full post, so get ready, get set...Let's go!

Hill-Raiser!!!: OH Gun touting, boilermaker drinking, story spewing, take-no- prisoners, tough talking, "in it to win it, political shotcaller babe you! Yes, Hillary Clinton is not letting the Bouncing O go on without a true fight. Last evenings win in Penntown had me gitty with anticipation that democracy can still be exhilarating. How can you not just be amazed at the grit and gutsy Clinton who will not be swayed by her fellow Capitol Hill scallywags who have called for her to step aside, in the name of party unity. Poppycock and tomfoolery I say! Let the voting continue, let the people have their say and oh, by the way let's not forget them delegates in Michigan and Florida. If there's going to be blood then let's all have milkshakes!

The Kings Poor Mouth: I was a bit mystified and did a doubletake when I read that Charles King, who is seeking to be the Representative from District 36 had filed to run for the office with some type of vow of poverty and was unable or lacked resources to pay his $3,000 fee. Plus, it seems that King was allowed to submit a petition of supporters that was incapable of being vetted entirely because he filed on the last day of filing. It appears to me and apparently ADP ( Arkansas Democractic Party) Chairman Bill Gwatney, that this little clause has rarely been invoked and the whole maneuver seems a bit sketchy. Although I understand that this rule is in fact apart of those "many party rules" that I spoke about when I was seeking to be a delegate to the convention. Speaking convention, Mr. King who I did see at the nominating event was selected to represent the Obama camp in Denver. In case you didn't know and I certain did before I decided to pursue the possibility that each delegate is "totally responsible" for there expenses to the convention. I fore casted that my total expenses including all transportation, per diem, and any incidentals could have been, viola $3,000. I had planned to solicit support via this forum but aborted the effort when I was chosen. Not to mention that the response was not meeting expectations. I wasn't a math wizard, but I can do math and if you can't afford to pay a filing fee or cash flow to run a campaign ( even though I have seen some area signage for King) then, will you have the disposable to cash to attend the convention where you foot the entire bill. According to Kings cash report, he has less than $1,500.00 in his trough but maybe his got a hip pocket of credit cards.
Easy Street Redux: I promised you a few more tidbits from last weeks "strange O" shigdity that involved DOG( Paper Trails) columnist Linda Caillouet who quipped about the possible closing of Easy Street and there hastened arranged fundraiser to keep the doors open. I couldn't help but some healthy observing for myself so I went in search of what's really going on. And here's what I learned. It seems that Ms. Caillouet also darkened the doors last week, throwing back a few beers and checking the scene. According my sources, the atmosphere was "cordial" although from my understanding and a disposition from Michael Henderson himself, the crown was not amused. Furthermore, I was told that the fundraiser was successful, as ardent supporters used that old Kristie spin tactic, the "place was packed." Yet, my continued digging turned up that their was allegedly only enough money to pay the phone bill and possibly some back rent. Other whispers have told me that keeping the lease paid has been problematic to chronic. One die heart supporter defended Henderson by saying that "even though he's not the greatest business man, he's not getting rich. He's providing a service that if we don't pay to use it, we may loose it." My talks with a insider investor have yielded his uncomfortable stance with discussing the matter, however, the body language spoke volumes. Enough said. As I've said before, Life is a caberet old chum, come to the caberet.....but money makes the world go round! Stay tuned, I'm sure that there's more to come...

Information Please: HIV INFORMATION DAY -Time to Talk Is, a locally sponsored event that will be held, Saturday, May 10 2008, 10:30AM - 5-30PM (please be prompt and expect to attend until complete) THE ART SCENE will be the location at the (Corner of Maple and BroadwayNorth Little Rock)FREE Breakfast items and lunch served based on limited seating: Please call Bob at 501-835-1463 with your name, phone number, and number attending. Kudos to Bob and all those grassroots organizers in their ongoing efforts to bridge the gaps in creating positive programming and zones for the HIV community and beyond.
His E-blast also cited the need for Volunteers, so if you have some extra time to commit then here's what they're looking for:

Help set up and break down - includes getting chairs, vacuuming, Testers to provide HIV tests and counseling. (Event is for poz AND poz caregivers, friends, and those interested knowing more about being HIV positive.) Individuals in the following category to sit on panels to answer question: HIV SurvivorsMedical HIV personnel (Doctors, PAs, Nurses...etc)PharamcistsMental Health workers (Social Workers, Counselors...etc)Dental Workers (Dentists, Dental Hygienst...etc)NutritionistsSupport Agencies (Housing, Transportation, Food distribution...etc)Spriitual representativesCaseworkers (Consortia Care, Community Health Departments, VA...etc)State/Federal agency representatives (Arkansas Department of Health, HRSA...etc)

Family Fundraising: The Arkansas Families First Coalition will be sponsoring a fundraiser, May 3, 2008, 5-7 p.m. at 7 Sunset,the home of Janell and Clark Mason. The evening is apart of the fundraising campaign to defeat the proposed ballot initiative proposed by The Family Council.
Checks may be made payable to Arkansas Families First. If you are unable to attend, please mail checks to AFF, PO Box 34192, Little Rock, AR72203.
Contributions are not limited under Arkansas law.
Beneath the Crown: Congrats to Zia D'yor for winning the Miss Gay Diamond pageant and Diva Dinnery, 1st alternate. The two will compete in the MGAA pageant later this year at the Athena Auditorium at the Discovery/Backstreet complex. Send him some love at'Yor
In other pageant news, the Heart of the Ozarks National Queen, May 16 witha location to be announced, Miss Gay US of A at large Pageant is scheduled for June 14,2008 at Little Rock's weekend nightspot,UBU and below is another fasts pick of upcoming pageantry.

Apr 26 2008
Miss Gay Central Arkansas America
@ Jester’s Night Club
May 10 2008
Miss Gay Arkansas Review Show
@ Jesters
Jun 28 2008
Miss Gay Spa City Arkansas America
@ Jester’s

Don't forget about our Eco-challenge, if you have old cell phones, chargers, etc that you would like to dispose of, then let us know. We'd love to have them in our collection campaign. Send e-mail to for details.!

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