Friday, November 30, 2007

Panorama Rising

Everyday that I review source material, list, E-mails, books, and my personal observations in preparation of putting this labor of love together. I've mentioned that this work takes place in the wee hours of the morn, long before the sun peeks over the horizon and most likely prior your first of cup of java. Perhaps it's my long engrained teaching that the "early bird gets the worm," or "early to rise, early to shine," that propels me to get a jump on my busy day by either putting up or shutting up on the latest headlines or headliners. Therefore, Ladies, Gentlemen and all those who haven't decided, here we go....

World AIDS Day 2007: I'm continually suprised at the lack of awareness that seems to shackle the local GLBTQ community. While out and about last evening, I was broadsided that many had no clue that World AIDS Day was tomorrow, didn't know that any activites were planned nor were they particularly interested. Despite that there was a non- descript flyer stationed at the front door! I guess that news report that Americans are not reading is really true after all. O.K. What does this mean? Or better yet does it mean anything considering that many don't view this city as having a "community." In a past poll on this site, participants voted that there was no actual community to speak of and the "cluelessness" that I still encounter seems to keep bearing this out. However, if you want to know what activites are taking place, we've listed them in previous post and updated as information was available. On a personal note, I've been proud of the post that we've brought to you this week and our subsequent coverage of other activites. I found this stirking photo on Flickr as taken by photo journalist, KTPupp which continues to illuminate the HIV/AIDS crisis simply yet boldly. Each year I can't help but reflect on those who lost their battle with this disease and have physically left the earth. So many friends, acquaitances,and the countless that I will never know are always in my thoughts and prayers. It's imperative that I continue living my life out loud and staying a creative force on their behalf.
Crystal Nights: Nationwide it's been reported about the escalating rise of meth use and it's aftermath on familes and individuals. This scourge has created havoc across the board including many women and men in the gay community who have fallen prey to this addicitve drug. As I've learned and much to my dismay, "Meth" has even become a drug of choice in this second wave among those infected with HIV and further to my chagrin, those seeking the "Gift" of HIV. This is not me proselytizing but rather calling for personal responsiblity and accountablity of one's health destiny. With that said, I'm posting this video courtsey of YouTube, entitled "Rock Bottom - Gay Men and Meth" from Outcast films. For more info: Caution: This presenation is graphically frank and brutally honest. Viewer discretion is suggested.

Got comments, let's hear from you in our comment section. Don't forget to subcribe to stay in the loop of what's really going on!

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