Friday, September 30, 2011

The TGIF Spindown

Good bye September, hello October and welcome to the final quarter of 2011. Just where has it all gone is any body's guess but COP 24/7 burst back on the scene months back, ready to pull out all the tricks of the trade. It's been a bustling, rapid fire, out of the box return which we hope will propel us into 2012. If you are not a subscriber, follower or otherwise engaged, we welcome you to do so. This forum was designed with you in mind and we want  you on board to be in the loop of what's really going on in the Arkansas' LGBTQ community and beyond. Come join us, won't you? Do it TODAY!!!

Building Bridges: Clinton Style

Today, former President Clinton, current Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and family were present of the opening of the Clinton Bridge project within the Clinton Presidential complex. The family crossed the Rock Island Bridge as onlookers awaited their arrival in true "Clintonesque style" just a bit fashionably "late." A trait that we've affectionately come to just expect whenever the former President makes an appearance or is slated to do so. In other words, we've become accustom to this situation, because it's "Clinton being Clinton." His appearance was to coincide with the 20th Anniversary of his Presidential announcement that was sorta recreated at the Old State House on Saturday.  His brief remarks which came after other notable locals such as Gov. Bebee, Mayor Stodala and NLR Mayor Hayes, Clinton beamed with pride as he cited the "home folks" in the audience and spoke to the importance of those who helped him with campaigns throughout his career. It's all about building bridges both personally as well as communally came the sage advice from the former president. He emphasized that "connections" are so vital not only in our everyday lives but nurturing those links while cultivating lasting relationships are so essential to reaching common ground or possible consensus on issues. I couldn't agree more and have often "preached" this concept more often than I can remember although often it has fallen on deaf ears. Within the LGBTQ context, the true core of creating a ground swell of support in any cause, issue, project or event takes outreach and embracing those who may or may not be apart of your organizational profile. I've spoken about "The Politics of Hello," which simply comprises of just that, "saying hello to a visitor, stranger or possibly someone who just needs to be acknowledge."  Yet, I continue to see and hear that folks are being overlooked or sized up using parameters that often will not allow you  to make the connection. Clinton was on point when he said that we can't continue to allow our differences to be the most defining part of our nature. But rather we must find or build a common bridge utilizing our unique abilities, talents and strengths. Even though a tad late, President Clinton never fails to deliver and his short remarks spoke volumes to not only my senses but hopefully to the sensibilities of all who had a chance to hear.   

The Mystique, Magic and Madness of MJ

The coverage of the Michael Jackson trial involving his physician Dr. Conrad Murrary and the spectacle that it has become is unfortunately befitting of the entire carnival of life that Jackson led. It's filled with drama, intrigue, cast of characters, mystery and mayhem that has been described with laser like precision by prosecutors. The power point presentation rolled out last week was jaw dropping produced complete with an audio presentation featuring the fallen pop star sounding lethargic and sadly drugged in to an oblivion of his own creating. I couldn't help but watch the CNN coverage as it coming, one more slide after another, the pile on, the evidence, the time lines, in-depth descriptions and finally a lifeless, immobile and striking finale of a deceased Michael Jackson lying on a hospital gurney. I can't imagine the agony Mrs. Jackson must have been feeling not to mention his family who were apart of the gallery of onlookers. So much rushed through my mind during the presentation especially as to how could a talent with so much not only to live for but had accomplished could subscribe to pursuing this course of living. Could his life had been so "out of whack" that only substances could cause him peace of mind. Was it necessary to continue to strive for the next big concert, the next spotlight, the next roar of the crowd so enticing that it allowed Jackson to intoxicate himself with a cadre of drugs that eventually brought the circus tent down for the final time. As week two unfolds, Dr. Murray appears to have an uphill battle to defend his actions, motivation and reasoning for his part in this serious medical debacle. I'm sure that his defense attorneys are ready to discover any reasonable doubt but from this point of the game, it ain't looking good for the good doctor. And you can see  it all of his face and then some. Let the games continue....

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