As I make my daily way in producing this forum, I've some times struck with the amount of time and commitment I've invested. Personally I'm extremely productive in the AM, while the rest of the world slumbers, I'm in the Big Chair tapping out whatever makes the cut for each edition. I've stated in the past, some individuals call it "that thing that you do," which is more than just a thing that I do as far as I'm concerned. CorneliusOnpoint has evolved over the years, while filling a niche that simply is missing in action within the GLBTQ community. I know that many of you are reading us, although to quietly for my taste, I know you are out their taking it all in with great interest. Unfortunately, tracking this info proves to be sketchy and incomplete as I try to assess with possible advertisers those important numbers that count. In the ad game, it's all about the "eyeballs" that could become potential end users which dictate who gets the ad dollars and who doesn't. This formula works not only in this instance, but should be considered with all outlets serving the SGL construct. I need every eyeball, earshot or "blinker" that I can muster to check with us daily and being Onpoint!! Now let the chips fall where they may....
Going to the Chapel: "Were going to the chapel and we're going to get married are lyrics that are most likely being hummed all across the land as this week those seeking "marriage equality" have seen new laws enacted in various state houses. Just this week Iowa, Vermont, and DC have taken the plunge, meanwhile, New York Governor Patterson is planning to re-introduce legislation, Colorado's Gov. Bill Ritter signs domestic partnership bill, Wisconsin has same-sex matters being discussed, and the debate rages on from coast to coast. All of this activity flying in the face of DOMA which passed in 1996 and the intense opposition that is going to get really ugly. Our own legislative showdown with Rep. King's DPR measure, seems to quelled at the moment, but I believe that his supporters are not done and will resurface in a more ardent manner. In this state, getting prepared and staying prepared has become the call of just a few and gathering massive outcry is like pulling teeth to say the least. Yet, it's always the next time that causes me pause plus makes me ponder, " have SGL people in Arkansas become so content and complacent that they would just rather go about their everyday existence without making a fuss? The floor is open and I'm ready to discuss it whenever you are...
Book Notes: I'm not sure the status of the local lavender book club, or if it still exist but I have a interesting title to suggest. It's "Sick N Tired of Waiting on Pharaoh! "an underground conversation about homosexuality in the bible" provides some simple answers to a perceived difficult topic for the LBGT/SGL community. The book provides tools for the reader enabling them to facilitate critical thinking discussions with their partner, friends and family even if they are not well-read in biblical studies.This book's focus is not about convincing heterosexuals to embrace, love, and support or change their position on homosexuality. This book is about homosexuals embracing, loving, supporting themselves and changing their negative perceptions of their sexuality. It is time we have these biblical conversations amongst ourselves where on earth we gather, in concert with the "down low" topics which has taken our community off message. It is unhealthy for us to villainies those who are still in the cave. It is healthy for us to never forget, many of us were in the cave at one time but Love guided us out to a healthy light. Love can draw you out of the cave;Knowledge can keep you from going back in. Get it from our online partner,
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