Friday, October 30, 2009

A Royalty Friday Re-mix

Road to Royalty:

DSRA Steps to Diversity

Well it had it happen, didn't it? I couldn't pass up another opportunity to demonstrate that my involvement with this community is broad based, unabashed and diverse. It's for this reason that I accepted the challenge to serve as the current Miss DSRA 2010-2011, representing the Diamond State Rodeo Association along side, Mr. Dwayne L., Mr. DSRA, and 1st Alternate, Marvella. How did this happen you ask? Well, thanks for asking, because at first I was bemused by the idea of myself re-stepping into the spotlight and certainly in the the C & W culture. Yet, after some hearty conversations and downright prodding, I thought, why not? After all, no one realized that I was country, when country wasn't cool. Furthermore, members of DSRA have always been cordial, as well as, embracing for as long as I've known the organization. I never subscribed to preconceived notions that the group was not inviting nor capable of offering myself an alternate entertainment option or new friendships. I'm fully aware of this organizations ripe history reviled with observations that cover the gamut. It seems that almost everybody has a "DSRA" story or perception that has been either positive or negative. Have I heard them all, most likely not. Is their any truth to them, depends on who you ask. Ladies and Gents, this is nothing new to any organization, especially one with 17 years in the rear view mirror. Every organization has it's triumphs and tragedies throughout it's existence involving personalities both large and demure. Not to mention internal wrangling that could be unsettling to some and maybe a radical approach for others. One simply can't keep dragging out the dirty laundry at every chance as a barrier to new growth. Yet, as a new royalty team member I'm determined that despite what has transpired, I'm poised to turn the page to discover new vision, lifeblood and spirit to move the organization forward into the 21st century. After all they've chosen myself as the first African American to hold this title since it's inception and the only one among the association national membership. Who knew that Little Rock would be the first! As I stood in the public presentation portion of competition, I stated that my goal was to encourage newcomers to explore what DSRA could bring to themselves and our overall sense of community. I hope to spread that message to all point across the state. If you've read this forum, you know I'm not afraid of traveling for the cause. For the record, the judges gave me a perfect score for that answer and the audience showed their acceptance with distinct applause. Since that evening, I've begun the process to review strategies, expectations and formulate a plan to execute what I could uniquely bring to both the DSRA and IGRA table. This is most important as we began the task of planning for Rodeo in the Rock 2011. However, no best laid plan can be achieved without supporter, advisers, and ultimately YOU. That's right, YOU. Therefore, I and the entire royalty team will be making the rounds in search of making that goal a reality during our tenure. I'm encouraging all past members, present members and future members to come to the table with me as we chart a course for the next decade and beyond. DSRA is alive, well and open to community at large! Click the link in this forum to check out the newly refreshed website and of course always keep it locked and loaded here at COP:24/7 I want to thank everyone who has shared there enthusiasm and well wishes on this endeavor. It's always good to know that there's still some good folks around this town who just might really wish you well. See you soon...we're coming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww. Look at the putum. lol. Yah look perty. (Pretty cowboy style)
